Take Care of Yourself: Try Meditation

Preparing yourself for the intensity of applying to and attending medical school is important. This week we’ll highlight healthy behaviors to incorporate into your schedule.

Meditate. We're not trying to proselytize here. If it's not for you, it's not. But you could try it. (And cynically speaking— we sound a bit scheming here—schools might be into it if you mention meditation in your application or during your interview. It shows both openness and dedication.) Meditation isn't about having a blank mind; it's about acknowledging and letting go of intrusive thoughts and accepting what is happening at the moment. This can aid performance, according to George Mumford, a mindfulness coach who taught Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan how to meditate. "Mindfulness is the process of making yourself flow-ready," he says. And don't all doctors want to be ready for whatever happens next?