MBA recruiting

NYU Professor Urges MBA Students to Think Beyond Consulting, Finance, and Tech

A recent WSJ op-ed by Suzy Welch, CNBC Contributor, Author, and Professor at NYU Stern provides career advice for MBAs: Although consulting, finance, and tech are the most commonly sought careers post-MBA, they are not the only routes to success. Welch advises MBAs to seek work, “at the intersection of their authentic values, their strongest skills and aptitudes, and the kind of work that interests and excites them intellectually and emotionally.” But, she points out, despite most students entering MBA programs feeling awash with career possibilities, most leave with jobs in just three industries. 

Finding purpose is an idea that she’s put a lot of thought into. After the loss of her husband, the legendary Jack Welch, she realized her need to find an “organizing principle” in her life. Welch then developed, pitched, and is now teaching a course at NYU Stern on the topic. Designed to guide MBAs on an introspective journey towards a fulfilling career path, the course is titled “Becoming You: Crafting the Authentic Career You Want and Need.” She describes it, according to Poets & Quants, as the class she wishes that she’d been able to take before graduating from Harvard Business School and entering into consulting. 

In her WSJ article, Welch identifies two key patterns emerging within MBA programs that are reducing opportunities for graduates. The first is internal: groupthink. She described this phenomenon In an interview with Poets & Quants. “You go to business school and you think about strategy and the digital economy, but what about thinking about what you want to do with your life? Most people go to business school to pivot into a new career... So you get there and you are looking around and the choices get narrower and narrower because of groupthink. You arrive big-eyed and you end up squinting. Investment banking and consulting are the two big funnels, or maybe tech,” she says. 

While she notes that some MBAs may also be seeking financial security and a way to repay loans, she purports that it runs deeper. That, for many, taking a job in one of the big three—consulting, finance, or tech—is fulfilling a “group instinct” and is good for “optics.” And as is so often the case with groupthink, MBA students who opt not to apply for these lucrative positions, or those who turn down such offers, can feel foolish or like risk-takers. But she warns that many who do follow that path as a means for safety and security often end up regretful. “A lot of very smart, very capable people, usually in their late 30s and early 40s, wake up miserable one day. Over my years as a journalist specializing in the workplace, I saw this phenomenon so often I came to dub it “The Velvet Coffin”—a state of cushy creature comfort encased in emotional or intellectual dissatisfaction” she writes.

Welch also observes a second pattern and it is external. Industry, she calls out, does a poor job showing up to recruit and sell itself among MBAs. Whereas, consulting, finance, and tech recruiters not only show up but have excelled in creating touchpoints and programming, and defining a consistent and compelling “narrative.” 

“I heard it repeatedly, because my students parroted it back to me: Even if you don’t stay long-term, with our credential on your résumé and professional development programs, we’ll set you up for your career! The big three are so persuasive and make it so convenient to get a job that it ends up feeling inevitable,” she writes. 

Welch concludes that MBA students, like never before, are seeking meaning and purpose from their careers and their lives. And she advises them to think carefully about their goals, listen, and dare to consider opportunities beyond the big three industries.

MBA Students Covered by a Grade Non-Disclosure Policy Take Harder Classes and Participate More in Extracurriculars

Grade nondisclosure (GND) policies, which date back to the 1990s, exist predominantly within an elite group of MBA programs including Wharton, Stanford, and Columbia. They codify a (typically student-driven) collective agreement not to disclose grades to potential employers during the recruiting process, even if they are requested. Proponents of the practice argue that a GND policy promotes collaboration between students and allows them to pursue additional extracurricular experiences, and take harder classes without fear of the impact to their GPA. Critics of the policy say it deprives employers of a key metric for making hiring decisions and discourages students from spending time on academics. 

The Wall Street Journal has previously published study findings examining the impact of a GND policy on student behavior, which shows that both proponents and critics are correct. The study’s authors—Eric Floyd, Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of California San Diego, Daniel Lee, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Delaware, and Sorabh Tomar, Assistant Professor of Accounting at Southern Methodist University—reviewed data from one MBA program to compare the choices of full-time students covered by a GND, with those of part-time students, who were not bound by the GND. 

They found:

  • Students with a GND spent about 4.9 percent less time per course, compared to students without a GND. However, GND students did generally enroll in harder classes, which meant that their total time spent on academics was not statistically different from their counterparts. 

  • GND students were 7.6 percent more likely to engage in extracurricular activities than their counterparts.

  • GND students reported lower tenure at their first job post-graduation. They were 7.7 percent less likely to remain for more than a year and 12.8 percent less likely to stay longer than two years when compared to non-GND students.

While the study’s findings provide helpful insight into student behaviors, there is variation in the way the data could be interpreted. “Between the extracurriculars and the difficult classes, what we say isn’t all time spent away from academics is lost time,” said Dr. Lee. “But we can’t really comment on the good or bad effects.” Similarly, Dr. Tomar told the WSJ that the explanation for the reduced employment tenure could be attributed to either the negative effects that grade nondisclosure had on job matching between students and employers or the positive effects that additional time spent on extracurricular activities had on GND students’ networks, thereby increasing their likelihood of obtaining additional job opportunities and offers.