Common Secondary Essay Topics: Diversity

This week on the blog we’re covering common secondary essay topics. Stay tuned for a new topic each day along with pointers on how to make the most of your response.

How will you add to the diversity of our student population?

Your response doesn't have to be about race, sexuality, or religion. (Of course, it can be.) What unique experiences and perspectives can you share? And how have you thrived in and learned from diverse environments in the past?

We had one client write about how she chose to spend her gap years between graduating college and matriculating to med school in a corporate setting. Working at a consulting firm that advised biotech and pharmaceutical companies gave her a better understanding of disease etiology and product pipelines and insights into healthcare inequity. Part of her job involved speaking with doctors and researchers from around the world; between this and working in a hectic office environment, she improved her communication skills—vital to contributing to a medical school community, never mind in her career. And her atypical premed job meant she'd bring unique knowledge and experiences to her medical school class.