The Medical School Interview

Interview cycles run from early September through mid-January. If the school is not doing rolling admissions, your interview date doesn't matter. Non-rolling schools send out all acceptance letters at once. If they are doing rolling admissions, you want to interview as soon as possible. These schools are why we recommend turning your AMCAS application in early. 

What an Interview Day is Like. There's no standard-issue interview day. A one-on-one interview is common. (You might do two or three of those on the same day.) Or a panel of folks might interview you. Virtual interviews became more common after COVID-19 came into our lives. A group interview with other applicants in front of a panel of interviewers is also on the table. The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) involves multiple interviewers and even some acting. A school might have you do some combo of these interview types, like a mini-MMI and a traditional interview. Still, another program might have a day-long on-campus session, where the interview is just a portion of your experience. (Harvard Medical School follows this format.) 

This week we’ll provide more information on each interview type, check back daily.