Best Medical Schools Research

U.S. News Posts Updated 2023-2024 Best Medical School Rankings

The U.S. News and World Report has posted the final 2023-2024 Best Medical School (Research) rankings and Harvard Medical School is back on top. The final rankings are significantly different from the “preview” of the 2023-2024 top 15 programs published in April. A U.S. News spokeswoman explained the reasoning behind the changes in an emailed statement to Medpage Today. The preview, “did not include affiliated hospitals for NIH funding," she wrote.

Johns Hopkins and University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman each dropped by one rank to second and third, respectively. Vanderbilt and the University of Washington, which were not included within the top 15 programs in the preview, are now tied for the fifth and 13th ranks, respectively. 

See the top 13-ranked programs below, which due to a multitude of ties includes 17 schools. We also show the final and preview ranks. 

Final Rank Preview Rank School

1 3 Harvard University

2 1 Johns Hopkins University

3 2 University of Pennsylvania (Perelman)

4 6 Columbia University

5 9 Duke University (tie)

5 7 Stanford University (tie)

5 4 University of California—San Francisco (tie)

5 n/a Vanderbilt University (tie)

5 4 Washington University in St. Louis (tie)

10 14 Cornell University (Weill) (tie)

10 13 New York University (Grossman) (tie)

10 7 Yale University (tie)

13 14 Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Alix) (tie),

13 12 Northwestern University (Feinberg) (tie)

13 9 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (tie)

13 11 University of Pittsburgh (tie)

13 n/a University of Washington (tie)