Almost Half of Young Lawyers Express Willingness to Leave Employers for Greater Flexibility

A divide between newer and more experienced lawyers is emerging in the wake of Covid. Earlier this week, the American Bar Association (ABA) released its 2022 Practice Forward report, which showed that almost half (44 percent) of lawyers with ten years of experience or less would be willing to leave their current employer for one that offers more remote work. Just 13 percent of those with 41+ years of experience said they would leave.

The report, published with the purpose of gaining an understanding of the “new normal” that legal professionals and employers face post-pandemic, includes survey responses from nearly 2,000 ABA members working in jobs requiring a law degree. 

Three-quarters of respondents expressed a willingness to work in the office any time their employer asks (81 percent of men and 68 percent of women), but the strong majority of all respondents—nine in ten—reported that remote work either improved, or did not adversely affect, their work’s quality. Women were more likely to report that their work metrics (work quality, productivity, billable hours) improved.

Almost half, 47 percent, of respondents said that remote work positively impacted their ability to balance work and family obligations. Among women, 56 percent felt that it improved their ability to find balance. Just over a quarter of respondents, 27 percent, reported that remote work increased the quality of their mental health while the majority noted that it had no impact (57 percent). Almost half of survey respondents noted that remote/hybrid work diminished the quality of their relationships with co-workers, and 61 percent said that it decreased their professional network. 

The report’s findings demonstrate that, in order to retain a younger generation of lawyers, firms and legal employers must create remote/hybrid work policies that are nuanced and cater to individuals’ needs rather than mandating one-size-fits-all policies.  

Despite Stress and Burnout, Most Students Feel that Medical School Prepared Them Well for Board Exams and Residency

In Medscape’s 2022 Medical Student Lifestyle report, which included responses from over 2,000 medical students, many respondents reported experiencing burnout: 37 percent of students reported occasional burnout, while a full third of respondents (33 percent) reported frequent burnout, and 12 percent reported constant burnout. And while 37 percent said that they rarely or never experience doubt about becoming a doctor, many said they did experience doubt sometimes (44 percent), frequently (15 percent), or constantly (4 percent).

Despite many medical students experiencing stress and even doubt, most reported feeling that their medical schools prepared them for the future. The majority of students (64 percent) noted that they felt prepared or very prepared for the USMLE, with half favoring the move to a pass/fail format for the test. Just over two-thirds of students, 67 percent, reported satisfaction with the relationships they formed with their professors. And 59 percent reported feeling prepared or very prepared for residency, with that proportion increasing to 75 percent among fourth year respondents. 

Many students also reported that they found meaning during the pandemic. Over one-third of respondents, 39 percent, reported that Covid reinforced or strongly reinforced their drive to become a doctor. In terms of specialty selection, 24 percent noted that Covid slightly or somewhat influenced their specialty choice, and 12 percent said that Covid influenced or strongly influenced their selection of a specialty. The majority of students (54 percent) said that they felt satisfied or very satisfied with how their medical school handled Covid. 

Pilot Testing Underway for the Updated, Skills-Based Bar Exam

Students currently applying to law school will be the first to experience the Next Gen Bar exam, which is slated to roll out in 2026. The updated exam will test skills identified as necessary for entry into the legal profession, will cover eight subjects, as opposed to the current exam’s twelve, and will use computers for administration, rather than the current practice of pencil and paper. The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), which oversees the bar, will continue to administer the exam twice per year. 

The exam is currently still in development with the NCBE finalizing the content scope outline for the test. The initial draft of the scope content was provided for comment in the spring of this year and stakeholders including bar examiners, judges, law school deans, faculty, and administrators, law students, admissions officers, and attorneys provided almost 400 comments. The NCBE has also started to pilot test item sets. The item sets, which are groupings of test questions based on a legal scenario or procedural issue, will ask exam-takers to perform one or more legal skills. Item sets are designed to gauge both a test-taker’s knowledge of legal doctrine, as well as their proficiency in applying the requisite legal skill(s). The NCBE will use the pilot testing to gain insight into the role that resources play in assisting test-takers, as well as the proper method to grade response items within item sets for reliable and accurate scoring. 

To learn more, visit the NCBE Next Gen Bar exam site. 

Top Ten Tips. MBA Behavioral Interviews

If you’ve been invited to interview at any or all of the schools on your list, congratulations! Now, it is time to begin preparing. See below for a list of our top ten interview tips:

1. Upon receiving the invitation, schedule the interview as soon as possible. This will enable you to avoid scheduling conflicts and select the time of day when you have the most energy and the fewest distractions. 

2. Read all you can about the program, and follow them on social media to stay abreast of their latest announcements, research findings, and other content. If possible, schedule an in-person visit prior to the interview, which often will include a tour, class observation, and lunch with current students. Talk to current or former students already in your network to gain insight on the interview process and other aspects of their MBA experience. 

3. Review your application and think through how you will succinctly, yet cohesively, explain your path to this point. What have been some of your most meaningful experiences that reinforced your interest in the study of business? You will likely receive some introductory question(s), which will require a three-minute elevator-pitch response, as well as several others that will require you to back up claims you make about your abilities in the areas of innovation, leadership, and teamwork with specific examples from your professional life. 

4. Convince them that their program is at the perfect intersection of where you’ve been and where you want to go. Be sure you can speak about specific courses, professors, case competitions, experiential learning opportunities, etc. that interest you most.  And explain why, citing some of your past experiences and/or future goals.  Remember, depth is better than breadth.  We would rather you explain at length one or two specifics that really set the program apart for you, than briefly mention seven to ten.

5. Prepare to weave into your responses what you will be able to offer the school. Make it clear how your experiences and interests, personal and professional, will benefit the school and create a stronger, more diverse MBA class and alumni base.

6. Think through your biggest career successes and failures, and consider what you learned from both. When answering a question about one of your failures, spend only 20 percent of the response on the situation and mistake. The rest of your response should be devoted to the actions you took to gain a better understanding and improve, and what you learned as a result.

7. Determine if there are any red flags in your application and, if so, craft a response that addresses the issue without making excuses. For example, if asked about the ‘C’ you received in Calculus your sophomore year, discuss what you have done to improve your quantitative ability since then, and make mention of those specific areas in your transcript and post-baccalaureate experience that are more indicative of your ability to compete in a rigorous academic environment.  

8. Stay current on domestic and international news. The Economist is wonderful, one of our favorite publications. You will also want to be aware of any news related to your current company, industry, and desired career path as these are great areas from which your interviewer may draw questions.  Setting up Google alerts for key phrases related to your company and industry will also help ensure you’re up to date.

9. Prepare three questions, which demonstrate your knowledge of and enthusiasm for the program, to ask the interviewer at the end of your session.

10. Compose a hand-written thank you note and snail mail it to your interviewer. In the note, thank them for their time, reiterate your interest in the school with specifics, make note of something memorable you spoke about during the interview, and, if applicable, make the yield protection statement (If admitted, I will attend.).

Let’s Talk About CASPer. Medical School Admissions

To gauge an applicant’s ability to critically evaluate a complex scenario and employ sound judgment and effective communication skills, a growing number of allopathic medical schools (currently, more than 40) have turned to CASPer. 

What in the world is CASPer?

CASPer (Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is a situational judgment test that a school might ask you to take before interview season. As of 2022, it takes between 100 to 120 minutes to complete. The test presents you with 15 scenarios and follow-up questions about them. Some of the scenarios will be about real-life experiences that you've had. (These Qs are similar to Secondary prompts and interview questions.) Other scenarios will ask you to take on a role. For example: "You're a store manager and someone is trying to return something without a receipt." The CASPer raters use your answers to assess your empathy, ethics, self-awareness, motivation, teamwork, and communication skills, among other qualities. 

The test is presented in two sections—a typed response section and a video response section. The exact length of and balance between these sections has changed from year to year, but this is what it is like right now. 

In the typed response section, there are three written and six video-based scenarios. You'll have five minutes to answer three questions about each in writing. (If you finish early, you can hit the submit button; your answers will automatically submit at the five-minute mark whether you're finished answering or not.) Focus on content over perfect grammar. The raters know this is tightly timed and they want to see your personality and critical thinking more than a flawless polish. After you've answered five scenarios, you'll have the option of taking a five-minute break. Take it. There's no pausing this party once it's started. At the end of the section, there will be another optional ten-minute break. Take it—you might need some of that time to prepare for the next section.

In the video response section, you'll be presented with two written scenarios and four video-based scenarios. For each, you will respond by video. You'll be asked three questions and give a one-minute video response to each. At the one-minute mark, your video will automatically upload. Altus Assessments, which owns CASPer, notes that many applicants run over their video answer time and it's not a big deal. If it happens, let it go, and reset your brain for the next prompt. Being calm and collected in the next video is going to make more of a statement than your "oops."

Are my CASPer results going to keep me out of med school?

Not every school requires the test, and it alone is not used to weed out prospective students. It's more like a school is lining up who you presented in your application next to who you appear to be according to CASPer. They're looking for great disparities between these two things. For example, if your application showed you as a modern-day saint, and your CASPer score for empathy was middling at best, that's a little interesting. Maybe you're a person who checked off a list of the right things to do before medical school and you're not actually aligned with the school's values. An introverted applicant who is shy in their interview could benefit from a strong CASPer score that shows they have the other qualities needed to be a top student and doctor.

A complete practice test is available, as is a sample test for video answers only. Your answers won't be reviewed by anyone at Altus. This is just so you can get used to the test's format. The website has information about other ways to prepare for your test day.

MBA Program Announcements Roundup

We’ve rounded up and summarized the most recent MBA program announcements below. 

  • Duke’s Fuqua School of Business announced this week that its MBA degree has received a STEM designation. Prior to receiving the designation, the school’s MBA offered a STEM-designated second degree in Management Science and Technology Management (MSTeM). “We had been one of the first schools to offer a STEM second major or second degree for a certain series of courses that a student would take,” says Shari Hubert, Associate Dean for Admissions at Fuqua. “But now the entire MBA program is STEM-qualifying, which, for our students, is really game-changing because it gives them that additional two years of OPT, depending on the job that they take.”

  • Columbia University announced that it will offer a Global Executive MBA starting in May 2023. The program will take a hybrid format, relying predominantly on virtual instruction, with only about a quarter of the 22-month long program expected to take place in an in-person residential format. The content will be geared towards experienced professionals who have about ten years of professional experience and five years of management experience. 

  • Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business announced a new online MBA degree, available in August 2023. The program will include two in-person campus visits, but the large majority will be offered through synchronous and asynchronous virtual classes. This MBA will be the school’s third online degree offering, which currently consists of specialized masters programs in finance and business analytics. “More and more MBA programs and business schools are moving toward online degrees,” says Prashant Malaviya, Senior Associate Dean of MBA programs at McDonough. “We have two right now. Both of them have done well. So we know the model works, that there are students who are interested in this—and we also have a nobler goal, which is to increase access to the Georgetown education outside of the DMV region.”

  • UVA Darden’s first cohort of part-time MBA students based in Washington, D.C. kicked off classes at its Rosslyn, VA campus last month. The program is designed for working individuals in the DC area and is self-paced with students obtaining their MBA in between 28 and 48 months. “A part-time program adds flexibility and optionality to the MBA,” explains Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Senior Associate Dean for Professional Degree Programs at Darden.  “It allows some students who in the past couldn’t take the time off to have an MBA experience.”

Law School Deans Write Letter of Opposition to ABA’s Proposed Recommendation to Drop Standardized Test Requirement

In response to the ABA’s proposed revision to eliminate the test requirement as a component of the law school admission process, 60 law school deans have submitted a letter expressing their opposition to the measure. They believe it will harm efforts to improve diversity in law school classes. “Without the LSAT as a factor, law schools may be less willing to take a chance on students who do not perform well on GPA or other metrics because they worked to put themselves through school, had to care for family, or for other reasons, but would enhance the diversity of our institutions and ultimately the profession,” the Dean’s letter states. “Students who struggle early in college, which sometimes happens with first-generation college students, may have lower initial grades and thus overall lower grade point averages. Test scores may help these students, both in determining which schools they should consider and in gaining admission.”

The Society of American Law Teachers also submitted a letter, written by Olympia Durhart and Allyson Gold, calling for a data review of the projected impact of abolishing the test requirement on groups historically underrepresented in law. They note that it is necessary, before taking action, to ensure that the measure won’t adversely affect the very groups which it purports to help. Further, they contend that law schools should “act as laboratories for admissions strategy experimentation to attack the larger structural barriers to the profession.”

In total, 51 individuals or groups submitted comments in favor of the proposal, while 49 submitted comments opposing the measure.

Related: ABA to Vote on Recommendation that Would Allow Law Schools to Drop Admissions Test Requirement

Last Year’s Graduating Medical Students Reported Satisfaction with their Education, Fewer Instances of Bullying, and Less Debt

The 2022 Medical School Graduation Questionnaire is an annual survey that asks graduates of accredited U.S. Allopathic medical schools about their medical school experience. Last month, the aggregate results for 2022 were released, and included responses from over eighty percent of the medical school graduates from academic year 2021-2022. Over half of the respondents, 53.7 percent, were women (compared to 51.2 percent of the population) and 17.8 percent were underrepresented minorities (compared to 18.9 percent of the population).

We’ve summarized key findings below.

Most students report satisfaction with the quality of their medical education and their school’s support of their development as physicians.

  • The vast majority of students (88.4 percent) agreed or strongly agreed that they are satisfied with the quality of their medical education.

  • Just over nine in ten respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they have acquired the necessary clinical skills to begin residency (91.2 percent) and that their medical school has done a good job fostering and nurturing their development as a future physician (91.0 percent).

More Students are graduating without medical school debt, and many who do have debt are exploring loan forgiveness programs.

  • Just under one-third of respondents (30.9 percent) reported that they would graduate with no medical school debt; this proportion has been increasing modestly over the last several years, up from 27.7 percent in 2018.

  • Among those who are graduating from medical school with debt, the median amount is $200,000.

  • Among students graduating with debt, about half (49 percent) reported that they plan to enter a loan forgiveness program, with most (83.9 percent) interested in the Public Loan Forgiveness Program.

Students continue to select specialties based on personal fit; the proportion of students who experienced “away rotations'' has almost returned to pre-pandemic levels.

  • Most respondents reported that “fit with personality, interests, and skills” influenced their choice of specialty (86.4 percent). This was followed closely by “content of specialty” (82.4 percent), “role model influence” (48.6 percent), and “work/life balance” (47.6 percent). These options have consistently been the most frequently cited in the survey over the past five years.

  • An increased number of students reported participating in away rotations (45.9 percent), which is up compared to 2021 (18.5 percent). But this is not quite as high as in previous years (55.5 percent in 2019; 54.7 percent in 2020).

  • Fewer students reported participating in elective activities compared to 2021, which includes working at a free clinic (69.8 percent), home care (18.8 percent), nursing homecare (16.2 percent), or a global health experience (14.2 percent). Slightly more reported authoring a published paper (62.6 percent, compared to 61.2 percent in 2021 and 55.1 percent in 2020).

Students are aware of mistreatment policies and slightly fewer reported experiencing mistreatment in medical school this year compared to last.

  • Almost all respondents reported awareness of school policies on mistreatment of medical students (97.6 percent), and said they were familiar with reporting procedures for mistreatment (90.2 percent).

  • Over one-third of students (39.4 percent) reported experiencing one of 16 named types of mistreatment—including public humiliation, derogatory remarks, and discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or other personal traits or beliefs—one or more times during medical school. This number dropped slightly from 40.3 percent the year before.

  • Among students who experienced mistreatment, most said it occurred during a clinical clerkship (87.6 percent). Mistreatment occurred most frequently during rotations in surgery (55.2 percent), obstetrics and gynecology/women’s health (30.2 percent), and internal medicine (22.6 percent).

Tips for Acing the Law School Interview

Most law schools don’t interview their applicants. But among those who do, an admissions director or alum will typically conduct a 20 to 30-minute behavioral interview where they will assess your interpersonal traits, commitment to and aptitude for the study of law, and your interest in and potential to contribute to the school/community. They will also want to ensure that your interview is consistent with your application.

Begin preparing for your interview by thinking through your most meaningful experiences that will help demonstrate your skills and abilities in the areas of critical thinking, leadership, and teamwork, as well as those that reinforced your commitment to the study of law. As with your personal statement, you’ll want to show the interviewer your strengths and potential through specific examples, rather than limiting your content to claims.  

Below, we’ve compiled a list of common interview questions, by type, to help you with your preparation. 

Know yourself. This interview is about giving the admissions committee a view into who you are. Think about your interests, passions, and underlying motivations.

  • Tell me about yourself. You’ll want to prepare an elevator pitch (consider a one-minute version, as well as a three-minute version) that provides an overview of your background and interest in law school. What have been some of your most meaningful experiences, that reinforced your commitment to the study of law?  Why? Are there specific experiences that prompted an evolution in your perspective so notable you want to include them here too? What led you to make certain academic and professional decisions? 

  • Why Law School? Your response to this question should demonstrate your interest in the study of law. You’ll want to highlight key experiences in the areas of critical thinking, ideally in an academic or legal setting, that reinforced your desire to attend law school. Prepare also for related questions such as: Why now? What is your legal dream job? Where do you see yourself in ten years?

  • What has been your most meaningful academic or professional accomplishment to date? Why? Prepare to speak confidently on any of the experiences you have listed in your application materials. What did the experience teach you about yourself? How did it challenge you? How did the experience reinforce your interest in pursuing law school? How did it change or reinforce your views of the legal system—and your desired role within it—in the U.S.?

  • Would you change anything about your undergraduate education? Why? 

    If there is a red flag pertaining to your undergraduate education (for example, a semester with a low GPA or a transfer between schools), this may present a good opportunity to address it.  Without making excuses, emphasize what you learned from the experience and/or point to other areas of your academic record that are much more indicative of your ability to compete in a rigorous academic environment. 

    If you do not have a red flag to address, you may want to talk about that missed opportunity to study abroad or take a class in philosophy. Did an early disappointment ultimately inspire you to change your path to pursue law school after graduation? Be sure to link your chosen topic to qualities related to your law school candidacy. Prepare also for related questions such as: Why did you choose your undergraduate institution? What did you enjoy most about your undergraduate education? 

Understand your fit with the school. You must prove to the interviewer that their law program is the perfect intersection between where you’ve been and where you want to go. Do your homework and be prepared to discuss how your past experiences and future goals have inspired your interest in their offerings. 

  • Why [specific school]? Look at the mission of the school, student organizations, courses, faculty, research and experiential learning opportunities, and come to the interview prepared to explain how you would engage. Keep in mind also that law schools are integrated in their local communities, so consider your fit here too. Do you have a particular interest in working within the state, or in a rural/urban environment? Did the location of the school impact your decision to apply to this program? Why? Prepare also for related questions such as: What do you hope to gain from our law school? What hesitations do you have with our program? 

Share stories. Use stories from your life to show your interviewer who you are, how you’ve grown, and what you will bring to the incoming class. Spend some time brainstorming and reviewing anecdotes that can be tailored to different behavioral questions and demonstrate the qualities law school admissions committees are looking for. 

  • Tell me about a time when you challenged the group consensus. Tell me about a time when you came up with an innovative solution to a problem. To respond to a situation-based question, use the SAR (Situation, Action, Response) model. Spend about 20 percent of your response on the situation, and the remaining 80 percent on the actions you took and what resulted/what you learned. The SAR model also applies to a question like: What is your greatest weakness?  You will want to spend 20 percent of your response on the weakness, and 80 percent discussing the actions you took/are taking to improve, and what the results have been/what you’ve learned since beginning your improvement plan.

  • What is your greatest strength? How would you sum up your leadership style? For questions where a simple claim would seem to suffice for a response, always take it a step further. Make a claim, THEN back it up with a specific example to illustrate that claim—in a group project, professional/intern experience, or extracurricular role.

Apply Point’s Tips for Success

  • Outline the key points and experiences you would like to discuss within the behavioral interview and take responsibility for bringing up these points. It is most helpful to review all of your application materials again, and highlight those stories that will showcase your abilities and strengths in the areas of critical thinking, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork, as well as those experiences that reinforced your commitment to the study of law. 

  • Nearly every response in a behavioral interview should include a story, even those that don’t ask you to recall a specific situation. This will not only make your interview more compelling and specific, but it will be much more memorable to the interviewer. 

  • Speak about any recent accomplishments or events not included in your application. Continue to improve your candidacy even after you’ve submitted your application.

  • Be proactive about bringing up red flags or weaknesses in your application. Address these head-on during the interview because they will inevitably come up within the admissions committee’s discussions. Rather than make excuses, talk about what you’ve learned and how you will continue to improve moving forward.

  • Practice delivering your responses to interview questions aloud, and be sure to limit most responses (to behavioral interview questions) to between 1.5 and three minutes. Ask us for a list of behavioral interview questions so you can practice and prepare. 

  • Prepare two to three school-specific questions for the interviewer that demonstrate your interest in and enthusiasm for the program.  

  • At the end of the interview, thank your interviewer, reiterate to them if their program is your first choice, and send a hand-written thank you note.

Related: Law School Interview Practices

Lower Overall Applicant Numbers in MBA Class of 2024, with Large Uptick in International Matriculants

MBA programs have started to release profiles for their entering classes. Poets & Quants highlighted a consistent downward trend in MBA application volume from last year’s admissions season. With a low unemployment rate, and many corporations paying top dollar to retain or attract talent, business school applications declined at many schools, even at the most prestigious (with Cornell Johnson as one notable exception). The declines are most concentrated among domestic applicants. Schools that have reported their Class of 2024 profiles note record-breaking diversity numbers and increases in the number of international matriculants. 

UPenn (Wharton) 

  • Last year, Wharton applications declined by 13.9 percent. While the school does not report their acceptance rate, Poets & Quants estimates it to be approximately 25 percent compared to an estimated 18 percent the year prior. 

  • The average GMAT score remained steady at an (record-breaking) average of 733.

  • The full-time MBA class maintained gender parity. Women make up 50 percent of the class. This is down slightly from last year’s 52 percent. International students now comprise 35 percent of the class.  

NYU (Stern)

  • NYU’s application volume decreased ten percent last year and matriculation decreased 11 percent. Stern’s acceptance rate increased to 27 percent from 19 percent. 

  • The entering class set a new record for both average GMAT scores—733 from 729—and GPA—3.62, up from 3.59. 

  • Women make up 45 percent of the class (a record), and underrepresented ethnicities make up 21 percent. Just under half, 44 percent, hold international citizenship. 

UVA (Darden)

  • Applicant volume decreased just 3.5 percent last year at Darden, a relatively small change compared to other programs. 

  • The entering class set a new record for average GMAT score—720 up from 715.

  • In terms of diversity, the entering class boasts the highest ever percentage of international students (43 percent), first-generation college graduates (16 percent), and LGBTQ+ students (8 percent). 


  • Columbia’s application volume decreased by 5.5 percent last year and the school increased its number of admitted students by just over 12 percent. The school’s acceptance rate increased to 22.1 percent from 18.6 percent the year before.

  • The entering class reported GMAT scores consistent with the previous year (729), and an increase in average GPA—3.6, up from 3.5 the previous year.

  • Columbia’s entering class includes a record-setting proportion of women (45 percent), international students (51 percent), and minorities (42 percent).  

Cornell (Johnson)

  • Applicants to Johnson increased by over 21 percent last year, compared to the year before, and the school also maintained its class size. 

  • The class maintained its quality metrics, with the average GMAT score the same as the previous year (710). The average GPA declined just slightly—3.3, down from 3.34. 

  • The Class of 2024 also saw a sharp uptick in the proportion of international students—43 percent compared to 35 percent the year before. The percentage of women in the class (39 percent) stayed consistent with the prior year, while the number of underrepresented minority students declined—16 percent, compared to 25 percent the year before. 

Michigan (Ross)

  • Applicants to Ross decreased by 9.3 percent last year with a corresponding 4.5 percent decrease in class size. Similarly, the school’s acceptance rate increased to 28.1 percent from 20.2 percent the year before. 

  • Despite the decline in applications, the average GMAT score—720, down from 722—and GPA—3.5, down from 3.53—for the entering class remained on par with the previous year.

  • The proportion of international students increased to 36 percent (a record), as did the U.S. minorities (42 percent, from 36 percent), first generation college graduates (14 percent), LGBTQ+ (9 percent), and students with military backgrounds (7 percent). The proportion of women, on the other hand, dipped slightly below the level seen in recent years (42 percent, from 46 percent the year before). 

UCLA (Anderson) 

  • The number of applicants for Anderson’s entering class declined 20 percent, with a corresponding 8.3 percent decrease in the number of enrolled students. 

  • The average GMAT score declined to 711, from 714 the previous year (although the average is higher than that seen for the Class of 2022), and the average work experience increased to six years, up from five years. 

  • While the proportion of international students increased considerably to 47 percent, up from 36 percent, the percentages of both women (35 percent) and minorities (28 percent) declined for this class compared to the one previously. 

Law School Interview Practices

Among the top 20 law schools, interview practices vary. Some programs interview as many applicants as possible. Others opt not to interview at all. 

If you are invited to take part in an interview, optional or not, we recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity and schedule it as early as possible. It will give you the chance to expand upon the information in your application, demonstrate your maturity and commitment to the study of law, show that you will be a collaborative part of the law school community, and, most importantly, articulate your interest in the school by speaking specifically to courses, professors, or experiential learning opportunities that you’re most excited about. While the University of Michigan Law School does not facilitate evaluative interviews, they note that, “...schools that do employ interviews typically do so not because it enhances their selection of candidates, but because it enhances their ability to select people who are committed to attending the institution. In other words, they believe that if you are willing to attend an interview, you are much more likely to attend the school if you are admitted.” 

Below, we have compiled a list of the U.S. News Top 20 law programs’ interview protocols. 

Yale: Interview by invitation only 

The Admissions Office is piloting an interview program for the 2022–2023 application cycle. A small number of applicants will be selected for interviews as part of the evaluation process. Participation in this program is optional. Applicants who choose not to participate in the interview program, or who opt to participate and are not selected for an interview, will not be disadvantaged in our admissions process.

Stanford: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

University of Chicago: Interview by invitation only 

We still strongly encourage applicants to take advantage of this opportunity to interview with a member of the Admissions Committee and will make every effort to move each application through the review process as expeditiously as possible.  Once you receive an interview request, it is in your best interest to schedule your interview as soon as possible. Interview slots are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Columbia: Interview by invitation only 

Incorporating interviews into the admissions process is one of the channels through which we hope to meet the needs of our applicants. We are seeking to provide you with the means to learn more about Columbia in a more personal way, just as we hope to understand even more about you by having a conversation. Since we employ a holistic admissions process in which we do not use a grid or formula to determine admissibility, an interview will not carry any particular weight relative to the other application components. Rather, we hope that the interview will, in addition to allowing you to get to know us better, amplify what you have already included in your application for admission. Because of the nature of our selection process, the interview will be contextualized differently for each applicant.

Harvard: Interview by invitation only 

During the application review process you may be invited to interview. These interviews will happen throughout the admissions cycle, starting in November. The Admissions Office will contact you directly to set up an interview. Interviews are conducted using Zoom. As always, we will accommodate individuals who may be unable to conduct their interview in this manner.

University of Pennsylvania (Carey): Interview by invitation only 

The Admissions Committee occasionally may request to interview an applicant during the evaluation period.

NYU School of Law: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

University of Virginia: Interview by invitation only

Every applicant who, upon review of his or her file, is determined to be a competitive and serious candidate for admission is contacted and interviewed via video call or phone, by an admissions staff member. Those who review files and conduct applicant interviews make recommendations to the Assistant Dean for Admissions, who conducts a final review and is charged with releasing decisions to applicants. In some cases, the Assistant Dean may consult with the Dean of the Law School before releasing decisions.

University of California, Berkeley: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

University of Michigan: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

Duke:  Interview by invitation only

When the admissions committee determines that additional information would be helpful in making a final decision, applicants may be invited to interview with a member of the committee. These interviews are optional, and offered by invitation at the discretion of the admissions committee. 

Cornell: Interview by invitation only

Interviews are at the request of our Admissions Committee only. 

Northwestern (Pritzker): Interview by invitation only

Interviews are optional and provide the Admissions Committee with additional information about the applicant's interpersonal and communication skills, maturity, and motivation. These conversations also help us to preserve the strong sense of community and cooperative culture for which we are known, while providing you with the opportunity to build your application.  

Georgetown: Interview by invitation only

Invitational interviews are another way for the Admissions Committee to get to know you. We have two interview programs, Alumni Interviews and Group Interviews. Both programs are invitation only at this time.

UCLA: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

Washington University in St. Louis: Interview by invitation only

Applicants may be invited to complete an interview with Admissions staff. The Admissions Committee determines who will be interviewed based on factors in the application.

Boston University: Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

University of Texas, Austin:  Interview by invitation only

During the application process, the Admissions Committee may invite you to complete an online interview as part of your evaluation. These interviews are conducted by invitation only. If you are invited to participate, we will contact you directly with instructions on how to access and complete the interview.

Vanderbilt: Alumni interview by applicant request

We would like to know you better as a prospective student - and for you to learn more about Vanderbilt. That's why we offer admission interviews with VLS alumni as part of the application process, and why VLS alumni conduct interviews nationwide and in several foreign locations. 

University of Southern California (Gould): Interviews are not a part of the admissions process. 

Related: Tips for Acing the Law School Interview

The Medical School Post-Interview Thank You Note

After completing your medical school interview, you will want to follow up with your interviewer(s) by handwriting a thank you note. This is just another opportunity to express gratitude for their time and consideration, emphasize points of connection you had during your interview, reiterate your interest in the medical school with specifics and, where it applies, make the yield protection statement (“If admitted, I would attend.”) 

We encourage you to keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Handwrite your note and send it promptly, ideally within 24 hours of the interview.

  • Keep it focused. Your note should not be used to introduce new information.

  • Keep it brief. Your note should be no longer than two paragraphs in length.  

  • Make it personal. Ensure that your note feels specific to the recipient and institution, rather than overly general. 

Frequently asked questions:

Who should I write a thank you note to?

You will want to send a follow-up note to your interviewers, and you should also consider sending a note to anyone with whom you spent an extended period of time (student tour guides, etc.) or from whom you gleaned meaningful insight into the school or the application process.

Does it have to be handwritten or can I send an email? 

Handwritten is best for interviewers, but feel free to use email to follow up with students you had meaningful interactions with. 

Should I include any updates related to my application?

No. Direct all application updates to the admissions committee. 

Should I let them know that the program is my first choice?

Yes, if their program is your first choice, you must let them know in the interview, and again in the thank you note.

I participated in an MMI, how should I approach the follow-up thank you note?

After an MMI, you should try to send a thank you note to all of the interview station leaders. 


AMA and AAMC Urge Supreme Court to Continue Allowing Medical Schools to Consider Race/Ethnicity in Admissions Decisions

The U.S. Supreme Court is taking two cases that could prevent medical schools’ current practice of considering race/ethnicity in admissions decisions: Students for Fair Admission Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admission Inc. v. University of North Carolina et al. The first considers if Harvard’s admissions processes penalize Asian Americans and in turn violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The second North Carolina case asks if the Supreme Court should overturn a 2003 decision, Grutter v. Bollinger, which allows race to be used as a component of admissions decisions. 

In response to the Supreme Court’s review of the upcoming cases, the AMA and AAMC, along with 40 other organizations, submitted an amicus brief urging the court to “take no action that would disrupt the admissions processes the nation’s health-professional schools have carefully crafted in reliance on this court’s longstanding precedents.” The brief notes the key role that diversity in medical school admissions plays in reducing health disparities by increasing the number of minority practitioners, who are more likely to serve in minority communities, and also by increasing the effectiveness of all physicians through a more diverse learning and training environment. The brief points to scientific research and studies showing the benefits of diversity, saying that “Preventing medical educators from continuing to consider diversity in admissions … would literally cost lives and diminish the quality of many others.” The brief also suggests the possibility that overruling the use of race in admissions decisions may, “...potentially trigger a spiral of severe and self-reinforcing decreases in diversity in the health care professions. States that have banned race-conscious admissions have seen the number of minority medical school students drop by roughly 37% as a result.”

Biden to Announce Student Loan Debt Relief for Earners Making Less than $125K

According to the New York Times, President Biden is expected to announce today that his administration will cancel $10,000 in student loan debt for Americans earning $125,000 or less per year (or households earning $250,000 or less per year). The administration will also extend the payment moratorium until December 31st of this year, with borrowers expected to resume payments in the new year. 

Along with this announcement, the President is expected to report that college Pell grant recipients will receive an additional $10,000 in debt forgiveness. 

Legal challenges to the loan forgiveness program are expected, which may make the timing for implementation uncertain. 

Pandemic Spurs Medical Residents to Unionize

Residency is known to be grueling. And during the covid-19 pandemic, the pressure upon residents only increased. As a result, a growing number of residents at hospitals within the U.S. are forming unions to formalize decisions related to pay and working conditions. Sunyata Altenor, Communications Director for the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR), the nation’s largest resident’s union, said, “Every year, we had one or two new organizing campaigns, but once COVID hit, that number pretty much tripled.” She continued, “It was a massive wave, and we anticipate that it will continue to grow.” Currently, 15 percent of medical residents in more than 60 hospitals are unionized and represented by CIR, while a smaller proportion have either formed a local union or joined a larger medical provider union. 

Oversight organizations, including the AAMC and the AMA, provide high-arching policy guidance on unions but leave the decision-making to the hospital and the residents who work there. According to Janis Orlowski, MD and AAMC Chief Health Care Officer, “The AAMC leaves it to each institution and its house staff to determine how to achieve the best possible education, working conditions, and patient care.” The AMA, for its part, notes that its policy on resident unions strongly encourages separating academic issues from union-covered employment conditions. They note also that unions must abide by the AMA Principles of Medical Ethics, which disallow “such organizations or any of its members from engaging in any strike by the withholding of essential medical services from patients.”

The benefits of unions include providing medical residents a collective voice to negotiate more favorable pay and working conditions. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) regulates the maximum number of working hours for residents, but not salary. In 2021, according to AAMC data, first-year residents earned just below $60K on average, with many working up to 80 hours weekly. And while working conditions vary by hospital and department, unions can also provide residents more control over their intense work schedules and demands. For example, University of Washington’s Resident and Fellow Physician Union-Northwest (RFPU) won the right for pregnant residents to decline 24-hour shifts. 

Other union benefits include encouraging departments to clearly delineate the rules and rights of residents, and improve social justice efforts through additional support and means to report racial (or other) discrimination for residents of color or sexual minorities. Proponents of resident unions including Kaley Kinnamon, MD and Resident at the University of Vermont Medical Center, which recently voted to launch a residents’ union, noted that unions also bolster the conditions that allow residents to focus on providing the best patient care. “In order to take good care of others, we need to be able to care for ourselves,” she said. “We love being residents and caring for patients. But we can’t do that well if we neglect ourselves.” 

There are also downsides to resident unionization. For one, there is a significant financial cost, particularly post-pandemic when many hospitals are still financially vulnerable. While hospitals receive federal funding to support resident salaries, most come from the hospital itself. There is also a drawback in creating blanket conditions for all hospital residents during training, as there is a need for flexibility and differentiation between departments based on residents’ learning needs. One resident, interviewed by AAMC, noted that surgical residents are required to fulfill a certain number of cases and hours—regardless of union negotiations—in order to qualify for board certification. Furthermore, hospitals have raised the concerning nature of a strike, which would make it almost impossible to adequately staff the hospital.   

Jason Sanders, MD, and Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs at the University of Vermont Health Network, suggests that hospital leaders pay attention, but look beyond immediate questions of unionization, to focus on the bigger picture. “Whether or not residents have a union, their concerns exist. The question we leaders need to ask ourselves is, how are we going to address them?” he said.

How to Approach the MIT Sloan Essays

Like most leading business schools, MIT Sloan looks for applicants who demonstrate intellectual curiosity and a collaborative spirit, and who continue to refine their abilities in leadership and innovation. Sloan also places an emphasis on action. The admissions office wants “do-ers,” particularly those who eschew the status quo, welcome challenges, and approach obstacles with an inventive mindset. 

The Sloan application allows you the opportunity to demonstrate these qualities through your resume, a video essay, an optional short answer response, and a cover letter. While your resume will provide an overview of your life from the start of college, your video, short answer response, and cover letter will be your most meaningful opportunities to give the reader a view into the person and professional behind your most meaningful experiences and accomplishments. 

Optional Short Answer Question: Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following optional 250-word short answer question: How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

While this question is optional, we recommend that you respond because it gives you the chance to add personal context to your application. Begin your brainstorm by thinking through the many influences in your life—your family, culture(s) including those resulting from your heritage, religion, city where you grew up, etc., and/or important relationships from within or outside your community. Within this context, consider meaningful experiences that prompted significant evolutions in your perspective—you know, those “ah-ha!” moments without which you would be a different student, professional, and/or person today. For some, these are treasured memories. For others they are moments of growth spurred by discomfort, resilience, or trauma. 

Because your space is limited, it is best to choose one experience you believe will show the reader who you are. What did you feel…say… think… do? Use tactical descriptors to pull the reader in. After you engage the reader in a compelling anecdote, spend the remainder of your word count on self-reflection. How did this experience influence your path? What did you learn and how have you incorporated this perspective into your life? 

Cover Letter: MIT Sloan seeks students whose personal characteristics demonstrate that they will make the most of the incredible opportunities at MIT, both academic and non-academic. We are on a quest to find those whose presence will enhance the experience of other students. We seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities and the drive and determination to put their stamp on the world. We welcome people who are independent, authentic, and fearlessly creative — true doers. We want people who can redefine solutions to conventional problems, and strive to preempt unconventional dilemmas with cutting-edge ideas. We demand integrity and respect passion.

Taking the above into consideration, please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more professional examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria above, and be addressed to the Admissions Committee (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).

Anchor this cover letter in experiences from your full-time post-baccalaureate professional life, because what you’ve already done, learned, and achieved is far more important than what you haven’t—what you say you want to do in the future. Select a max of two experiences that you can discuss in depth. These experiences should each demonstrate more than one of the qualifications listed in the prompt (e.g., creativity, leadership, innovation, teamwork, and/or ability to grow and learn from failure). Show the reader how specific projects, interactions, and/or challenges influenced you and the formation of your goals. 

Then, transition into what you have yet to learn, and why a Sloan MBA is your next step. Prove to them that their program is the perfect intersection between where you’ve been and where you want to go. Which courses, professors, experiential learning opportunities, etc. are most interesting to you? Choose two or three that differentiate Sloan from other business schools you’re considering and explain why you’re so eager to engage and participate. Once the reader has taken the trip to your past and better understands you as a professional, your proposed path forward as part of the Sloan community will resonate more deeply. 


Your MBA Application. Acing the Video Essay

How to Approach the Harvard Business School Essay

How to Approach Wharton’s Essays

How to Approach Columbia’s Essays

Harvard Business School Announces Full Scholarships for Lowest Income MBA Students

Harvard Business School announced yesterday that it would provide scholarships covering the cost of tuition and course fees for students with the greatest financial need (approximately 10 percent of its student body). They also committed to increasing scholarship support for students from middle-income backgrounds. This announcement is the latest in Harvard’s efforts to increase socioeconomic inclusivity and reduce the financial barriers to enrolling in the prestigious two-year full-time MBA program. 

“We know that talent is much more evenly distributed than opportunity,” said HBS Dean Srikant Datar. “Harvard Business School should be a place where the most talented future leaders can come to realize their potential. We want to remove the financial barriers that stand in their way and alleviate the burden of debt so they can focus on becoming leaders who make a difference in the world.” 

The school has also taken the following recent steps to promote socioeconomic inclusivity and reduce financial burden:

  • Keeping tuition expenses flat since 2019

  • Launching the Forward Fellowship, which allots funds to students who provide financial support to family members during business school 

  • Incorporating socioeconomic background into the financial aid formula, in addition to personal income, assets, and undergraduate debt

  • Instituting a need-based application fee waiver

  • Expanding outreach to first generation college graduates and prospective applicants from diverse backgrounds

  • Creating a student-led Socioeconomic Inclusion Task Force incorporating students, faculty, and staff

  • Expanding financial wellness and education programming for prospective and current students

Read the full announcement here


MBA Application Tips—Letters of Recommendation

Let's be real: Recommendation letters are not going to be what makes or breaks your MBA applications. Most don’t differentiate prospective students from one another in the minds of admissions committees. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they are filled with glowing reviews of an applicant’s leadership and/or innovation abilities and potential. No applicant asks a supervisor to write them a letter if there is any question the content of the letter could cast doubt on their candidacy.

But, if done right, a letter of recommendation can reinforce and expand upon key themes presented in other application components like your resume, essays, and short answers. Here are some actions to take to make sure that happens.

Select the Best Recommenders

Most schools require two letters of recommendation from supervisors who have overseen your work in full-time post-baccalaureate employment. Of course, you will want to choose those you know will sing your praises, but also who can back up their claims on your abilities in the areas such as innovation, leadership, and teamwork with specific examples. The writers of your recommendation letters should know you well. Don’t ask the CEO you’ve seen in the elevator a few times because you think his title will impress admissions committees. Save requests to very senior colleagues with significant influence at a specific school (say, they're donors or members of the board) for letters of support, which they can send separate from your application to the Dean of the business school. 

Take a Strategic Viewpoint

If one of your essays is anchored in a story that shows the reader your critical thinking and problem-solving aptitude on a significant project, one of your recommenders could provide additional insight on this project in their letter. And, if this first letter of recommendation further emphasizes your innovation potential, the second should focus on other qualities, such as your ability to thrive in a collaborative environment. Furthermore, if you see gaps in your application, you may want to speak with one of your recommenders who could address them in his or her letter and share how you’ve grown from specific challenges.  

Set Your Recommenders Up for Success

Give your recommenders enough time to meet your request. We suggest at least eight weeks prior to submission. It is also helpful to give each one a short portfolio of information, which should include: 

  • School names, recommendation questions, and submission date(s)

  • Method for recommendation submission (e.g., online via link)

  • Background information (academic, professional) and your future career goals

  • Illustrative anecdotes from your work with this recommender, with particular emphasis on the following topics: varied and growing work responsibilities, performance at a high level (as judged by your project managers and peers) in a team environment, personal characteristics you want to highlight (e.g., determination, intelligence, creativity and/or leadership), recognition/awards, accomplishments, and your ability to grow from constructive criticism

  • (Optional) Illustrative anecdotes from your extracurricular/personal life that will allow your recommender to show your abilities in community-building, and present you as a well-rounded, caring, approachable, and motivated person who would contribute to the MBA community

The weakest type of letter is one that is too general—that lists your qualities but doesn't show them. The illustrative stories you provide (and you can do this in a bulleted list) should be unique for each recommender and should highlight the qualities you want the recommender to expand upon. These inputs will allow you to subtly influence the recommenders’ output and ensure the recommendation letters include concrete and varied examples that reinforce your existing application content. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a great relationship with my college advisor. Would it be appropriate to use her as a recommender?

For entry into business school, it is best to ask supervisors from your full-time post-baccalaureate professional experiences.

What if I don’t feel comfortable telling my direct supervisor I am submitting applications to business school?

While it is preferred to have a recommendation from a current direct supervisor, it may not always be an option and schools understand. Be sure to address the situation in the optional essay; and ask a former boss and/or a professional colleague who is superior to you on an org chart to write a letter. Emphasize the positives of having this person write your recommendation too. Tell them your chosen recommender can speak specifically to your actions on a valuable project. Or that you worked under your ex-boss for a lot longer than your current one and felt they could give a thorough take on your strengths.

What if my recommender asks me, the applicant, to write the letter? 

Your supervisor might say, "I'm too busy; you write it, and I'll sign it." If a potential recommender puts you in a tough spot and only agrees to submit a letter that you’ve written, it is best to move on. It is often obvious to schools when an applicant has crafted the copy because of similarities in voice to other application components. 

Israeli Medical Schools will No Longer Accept American or Canadian Students

Israeli medical schools—Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine, the Ben-Gurion Faculty of Health Sciences (BGU), and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine—will no longer accept American or Canadian students. A physician shortage in Israel led to this decision by the Israeli government, along with the large number of Israelis unable to gain admittance to medical school domestically. The Class of 2026, which includes students who matriculated this fall, will be the last to include American and Canadian students.

The decision comes as a shock to the international community as the Israeli medical schools have a long history of educating foreign students; Tel Aviv University’s Sackler has graduated foreign doctors for over 40 years, BGU for 30, and the Technion for about 20. Tel Aviv University’s executive dean, Dr. Stephen Lazar, wrote to the school’s foreign medical students, “It is with the deepest regret that I must inform you that the Israeli government has directed all foreign medical programs, including American medical programs, to stop accepting new students,” he wrote. “This political decision was made in order to increase the availability of seats in Israeli medical schools for the Hebrew programs, so that many Israeli students will not have to travel abroad for their medical education. TAU president Ariel Porat and dean Ehud Grossman have assured us that enrolled students, including the class of 2026, entering this week, will be permitted to complete their medical studies.”

Both the former and current presidents of BGU, Professors Rivka Carmi and Daniel Chamovitz, noted their disappointment, while also pointing to the need for Israel to focus on its own physician supply—only about 900 Israeli students per year attend domestic medical schools. Chamovitz put it succinctly, “There was no choice. We need more Israelis to study medicine here. Those who worked in our international school will teach Israelis instead of foreigners. Nothing will change,” he said. Carmi pointed out that among OECD countries, the average proportion of doctors is 3.4 per 1,000. In Israel the average falls below that, at 3.1, and in some parts of the country, it is 2.7. 

In addition to the low number of Israeli-educated doctors, the physician shortage has been amplified by mass retirements from Soviet-born doctors who immigrated to Israel, and to some extent the pharmaceutical, health technology, and other high-paying private businesses that lure physicians away from clinical practice. Most North American medical students who studied in Israel returned home post-graduation.

Business School Students Seek Jobs with a Mix of In-Person and Remote Work

Flexibility is key for business school students as they consider their future careers. According to a survey by Highered, which includes responses from over 1,000 business school students globally, almost half (49 percent) said that they are looking for hybrid employment, with a mix of onsite and remote work. Similar numbers prefer fully remote (27 percent) or fully onsite work (24 percent). And just over a quarter (26 percent) said that they would not work for an employer who requires employees to be fully onsite. 

When students were asked to name the perceived advantages of remote work, over one-third named the freedom to live where they like (35 percent). 16 percent noted the ability to attend to family commitments. And 15 percent cited the ability to create their own work schedule. Among the perceived disadvantages of remote work, students named the lack of work/life balance (21 percent), pressure to work outside of core business hours (16 percent), and isolation/loneliness (14 percent). 

Just over half of students responded that their business schools are preparing them with the necessary skills to lead remote teams (52 percent). In terms of soft skills needed for successful remote work, students named: self-motivation (35 percent), flexibility / adaptability (14 percent), discipline (13 percent), and time management (10 percent).  

Student responses are in line with the market shifts driven by the pandemic and technological advances. According to Ladders, Inc., the availability of high-paying remote work has “exploded.” There were an estimated 4 percent of high paying (more than $100,000) remote jobs available pre-pandemic and just under 20 percent at the end of 2021. This number is expected to increase to about 25 percent by the end of this year. 

Ladders, Inc. also analyzed the types of high-paying jobs with the most significant increases in remote work from March 2020 to mid-2021. They found that marketing, media, and design (+974 percent increase in remote opportunities, with more than 18 percent of careers available remotely) and project and program management (+801 percent increase in remote opportunities, with about 15 percent of opportunities available remotely) experienced the largest growth. Other roles with plentiful opportunities in remote work include: software engineers, account executives, development engineers, and data engineers.