Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: An Overview

If you don’t think you’re ready to apply to medical school (or you’ve been rejected), you may be considering a post-baccalaureate certification, a Master’s program, or a Special Master’s Program (SMP). Maybe you’re even specifically looking for a post-bacc or SMP that offers a linkage program. Or you might not know why you’d pursue any of that! No matter the case, read on, because, in this blog series, we’ll explain the difference between these offerings and what you should think about before pursuing them. 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let us say this: If your undergrad GPA is strong, you have done enough science coursework, and you feel ready for medical school, you don't need to take on the added expense of another program before med school. They are cash- and time-consuming. 

Cost is just one of the reasons that these programs are known as “high risk, high reward.” They can give you an advantage in getting into medical school, especially at the one that houses the program. But not doing well in such a program is a devastating look. These programs are challenging, so if you’re not ready for med school, you might not be ready for them, either. 

The value of pursuing a post-bacc certification or an advanced degree before medical school is subjective. These programs offer a great way to mature and expand your knowledge—but they are definitely not a guarantee that you will get into a medical school.


Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Post-Baccalaureate Certification

Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Master’s Programs

Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Special Master’s Programs

Earning Another Degree or Certification Before Med School: Linkage Programs