Medical school application

Keys to a Great Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor: Be Strategic

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. This week, we’re sharing our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

Make the most of your time together. Create an agenda for each meeting so that you can address all of your open items and use your time efficiently. In advance of the meeting, update your application timeline and resume, share any key goals or questions that you’d like to discuss during the meeting, and follow-up after meetings with any outstanding actions or questions. 

Keys to a Great Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor: Avail Yourself of All the Resources

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. This week, we’re sharing our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

Avail yourself of all the possible resources. Take advantage of other resources that your school provides to help you stay informed and up-to-date on the medical school application process. Sign up for pre-health newsletters, digital resources, and/or clubs. You can then use your meetings with your advisor for more personalized guidance.

Keys to a Great Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor: Put In the Time

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. This week, we’re sharing our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

Put in the time. Early in your undergraduate career, you should plan to meet with your advisor at least one or two times per semester. In your junior and senior years, particularly before and during the time you are actively working on your application, you will want to meet more frequently. We recommend setting up time to meet at least once a month. Many advisors work with a large number of students so, instead of trying to squeeze into their calendars last minute, plan ahead. 

Keys to a Great Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor: Find a Good Fit

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. In addition to providing academic support, they can tell you about the school’s internal processes (such as requesting letters of evaluation), as well as available shadowing, clinical, and/or research opportunities. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. This week, we’re sharing our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

Find a good fit. Meet with your assigned advisor early, and determine if you have a good rapport. Ensure they have extensive experience guiding students into medical school, and that they are accessible and responsive. You may have the option to find an alternative advisor if it isn’t a good fit, so that’s why starting early is key.  

Ten Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Personal Statement for the Medical School Application

Writing a Personal Statement is a massive undertaking. In a relatively short document, you’re trying to show the admissions committee who you are and what you value, while simultaneously building a case for why you will succeed in medical school and as a physician. It’s a lot. But we can help. 

Below are some of the most common mistakes we see applicants make as they approach the Personal Statement. Try your best to avoid them. 

  1. Trying to include everything: You cannot fit every medical experience you've ever had into this essay—and hey, that's why you have Work and Activities. Stick to one or two key experiences that prompted growth and reinforced your interest in medicine. The Personal Statement is about showing depth. 

  2. Telling instead of showing: The admissions committee is looking for more than a list of your strengths and traits. Not only is that boring, it is unreliable. A good rule of writing is: “Show, don't tell." Listing off your qualities is meaningless if you're not backing them up with real-life examples. Instead of telling the reader, “I am a good leader because I am diligent and organized,” provide a leadership anecdote that will show you empowering your team. 

    Similarly, don’t tell the school what you will do in the future without showing them why you are capable of achieving such things. We've said it before: Sharing goals works when what comes before it exemplifies your strengths and abilities. More than what you want to do, what you have done tells us who you are.

  3. Staying linear: You don’t need the essay to be linear. Imagine your intro paragraph as the opening sequence of a movie—the most thrilling ones start mid-scene. You want to see an action star in action, not waking up to a buzzing alarm clock. Don't save the excitement for many scenes later. Show yourself there, then explain how you got there. 

  4. Being uptight: A personal essay is more like journalism than an academic paper. You're telling a story, and this one is about you. You want to sound intelligent and respectful but being a bit colloquial makes you appear confident and relaxed. As if to say, "This is who I am. This is who I plan to become." Boom.

    Also, a profound statement is often a simple one. We've heard more than one med school app reader complain about needing to consult a dictionary because an applicant had been over-consulting a thesaurus. Another reason to write less formally: You're going to interview at these schools. (Hopefully!) If you don't speak at all how you write, they're going to be confused about who you really are. 

  5. Getting too poetic: Being a little poetic can show style, but if your point isn't clear, a beautiful turn of phrase is meaningless. One of our mottos is: "Clarity above all things." Leave no room for misinterpretation. The reader needs to see the story how you do. Crisp and untangled writing is also best given the character count limitation and how much you need to share. There is room for imagery but there isn't a lot of room for showiness. 

  6. Overusing passive voice: Keep most of your sentences active. Passive voice can minimize your contributions and slow down your essay's momentum. Active sentences move the statement forward. 

    There is flexibility, of course. Some passive sentences aren't slow-going or unnatural. Take the passive "My research has been accepted for an oral presentation at the National Impressive Conference." vs. the active "The National Impressive Conference has accepted my research for an oral presentation." Honestly, both sentences are fine. Neither goes on too long nor is confusing. Both read as a natural way of speaking—the passive one might be a little more natural. 

    There are also times when you'll use passive voice for effect, accuracy, clarity, or flow. Just be mindful of how often you're doing it. 

  7. Spouting off clichés: Nothing says, "I don't think outside of the box" quite like the phrase "I think outside of the box." We also read a lot of first drafts that include "puzzle pieces"—skip 'em, they're going to be in a thousand other essays. 

  8. Using long quotes: A short conversation you had in an intense circumstance can be illustrative in a Personal Statement. It helps a reader picture the event. But making the point of your essay completely revolve around a long quote of someone else's thoughts about medicine, leadership, integrity, or whatever, makes it their essay, not yours. No literary celebrity, professor, doctor you worked with, or dad is supposed to be the star of this show. 

  9. Dwelling on childhood stories: Saying you played doctor as a kid should not feature prominently in your Personal Statement. In fact, we'd skip it: It's not a unique sentiment. Schools don't care how long you've wanted to be a doctor—they care if you have the potential and drive to be one. 

    This doesn't mean that a flashback scene is never relevant. If your mom had cancer when you were eight years old, you grew up fast, and you learned things about the healthcare system and doctor-patient interactions that influenced your medical school goals. That is noteworthy. But you need this essay to focus on your recent impactful experiences. Ones that reinforced your interest in studying medicine and gave you the skills applicable to excelling in a program. 

  10. Having too many readers: Having too many readers review your Personal Statement is a common mistake. If you're an Apply Point client, consider asking two people besides your two Apply Point advisors (who work as a team) to read your essays. If you're not working with a consultant, you could ask up to four people to read your work but make that the maximum just so you won't be overwhelmed by input. 

    This is certainly not us saying that you shouldn't have any readers at all. You want eyes or ears on this, especially if they're attached to someone you respect who knows you well. In fact, the top question you should ask them is: "Does this sound like me?" Friends, family members, or a mentor can confirm if your essay gets your personality and best qualities across. That said, send them the edited, polished draft rather than your raw first draft. This way their suggestions and questions won't psych you out because you already have a good idea of what you want to present in your statement. 

    One more note on having too many readers: Never post your essay in an online forum, such as Reddit. Sharing thoughts and advice on the overall application process online with other prospective students is great, but if you post your essay, you'll have too many strangers giving input and be vulnerable to plagiarizers. 

Make the Most of Your Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. In addition to providing academic support, they can tell you about the school’s internal processes (such as requesting letters of evaluation), as well as available shadowing, clinical, and/or research opportunities. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. Below, we’ve compiled our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

  1. Find a good fit. Meet with your assigned advisor early, and determine if you have a good rapport. Ensure they have extensive experience guiding students into medical school, and that they are accessible and responsive. You may have the option to find an alternative advisor if it isn’t a good fit, so that’s why starting early is key.  

  2. Early in your undergraduate career, you should plan to meet with your advisor at least one or two times per semester. In your junior and senior years, particularly before and during the time you are actively working on your application, you will want to meet more frequently. We recommend setting up time to meet at least once a month. Many advisors work with a large number of students so, instead of trying to squeeze into their calendars last minute, plan ahead. 

  3. Take advantage of other resources that your school provides to help you stay informed and up-to-date on the medical school application process. Sign up for pre-health newsletters, digital resources, and/or clubs. You can then use your meetings with your advisor for more personalized guidance.

  4. Make the most of your time together. Create an agenda for each meeting so that you can address all of your open items and use your time efficiently. In advance of the meeting, update your application timeline and resume, share any key goals or questions that you’d like to discuss during the meeting, and follow-up after meetings with any outstanding actions or questions. 

How to Get High-Quality Letters of Recommendation

Good news! No one who hates you will agree to write you a Letter of Recommendation. It's too annoying of a task to bother with if you don't have nice things to say about someone. Still, some letters can be lackluster, especially if they're rushed. There are ways to make sure that recommenders are talking you up.

Depending on the school, you'll need four to 10 LORs. But if a school asks for a minimum of four, honestly, that is too few to submit. Eight is great. The more quality endorsements of your candidacy, the stronger your application. And having people from different arenas saying that you're someone they respect proves that you are just crushing it. 

When to Ask:

Decide who to ask for a recommendation letter six to eight months before your applications are due, so you're requesting them in January or February at the latest. If you're choosing the right people, they're successful and busy. Give them the maximum time to consider what they want to say about you. 

Who to Ask:

The schools will let you know who they want to hear from here, we share why they want those recommenders and why you should go a step beyond a school's expectations. Aim for:

At least two science professors. Medical schools want to know: Do you have a dedication to and talent for scientific study? A school might request one or two science professors as recommenders. You should use two as references even if the school doesn't require two. Have three? Even better. A science TA who knows you well can write one of these letters—if the professor cosigns it. 

At least one non-science professor. Having this in your packet shows you're well-rounded. Doing notably well in a literature, social science, or math course shows a school that broader learning is important to you. A reference from a liberal art or language professor can emphasize different strengths than those you've shown in your science courses or a consistent strength across subject matters. 

Medical professionals. If you have had a clinical, shadowing, or lab experience where you connected with a medical professional, they're a terrific option for a LOR. You don't have to stick to M.D.s; osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, EMTs, medical students—anyone who supervised you is gold. If you're applying to osteopathic medical school, you need an osteopathic physician as a reference. 

You want these letters to be personal, so it's better to choose someone who was a true mentor and/or saw you in action over a chief of surgery or research lead who barely knows you. Personal beats prestige here. 

Supervisors. Supervisors at your job, volunteer posts, and extracurricular activities are strong options. These people have seen you dedicate yourself to something. They've also likely seen you collaborate and work under pressure. Unlike your science professors and medical professionals, these individuals may have never written a recommendation letter for medical school before. In addition to refreshing their memory of your achievements, tell them what qualities medical schools are looking for so that they can highlight those. 

Attributes they might touch on: Leadership, compassion and sensitivity, strong communication skills, critical, creative thinking ability, work ethic, and professionalism. 

How to Ask:

Individualize your approach. What do you know about your potential recommender? Are they someone who will want a face-to-face conversation about this? Or are they someone who will be open to an email with an updated CV attached? 

Remind them of your accomplishments. You're not telling them what to write—and they may well choose to highlight some of your other victories or qualities—but offering them a refresher to reference will make your request less of a burden. Science professors know the drill of writing medical school references, but they have a lot of other students, so a reminder of what you've done is still appreciated. Ex. "It was a privilege to be in a graduate course as an undergraduate. Attending office hours deepened my understanding of the material. I'm proud to have earned an A on both the midterm and final exam. And leading my final group presentation improved my research skills and made me a better collaborator." 

You want to tell a superior at a clinical experience what it meant to you to be there and how you thrived in that job. Ex. "Your recommendation would mean so much to me because this job reinforced my goal to become a physician. Working on the COVID-19 clinical research study made me feel like a part of the hospital team and taught me how medicine approaches novel diseases. Interacting with dozens of patients improved my communication skills." OR "Working as a scribe in the ER enhanced my ability to focus in a hectic environment. Serving as senior medical scribe has meant serving as a mentor for the first time. Since my promotion in June, I have led weekly meetings and made myself available to newer staff over email and text."

And again, if you're asking for a recommendation from someone who has never written one, loop them in on the qualities that medical schools are looking for and how you've exemplified them. Ex. "The schools that I am applying to emphasize leadership and collaboration. I believe that my final group project on the early work of Chaucer showed my abilities in those areas."

Go beyond the ask. After someone agrees to be your recommender, you're going to send them a "game plan" that gets into the experiences you had and your accomplishments in greater depth than you did in your initial request. For example, the student who highlighted the Chaucer project can remind their professor what aspects of the presentation they worked on and reiterate that they organized the group's study sessions. The applicant who was a medical scribe should list their daily duties and talk about some of their most poignant or analytical learning experiences. You get the gist. If you're not sure what to include, an Apply Point advisor can help you pull specific details from your experiences.

Say thank you in a unique way. Once someone has agreed to write your recommendation, do something nice for them. Send a memorable note, maybe even a small gift (a bottle of wine or some candy is nice, if you know they partake) or offer to take them to lunch. This is common courtesy, but it's also going to remind them to submit their letter on time. 

A Note for Reapplicants:

If you're reapplying to medical school, you can use the same letters of recommendation, but you'll need to resubmit them. AMCAS does not keep old letters on file.  

A Tip for the Early Birds:

If you're a college sophomore and there's a current professor who you'd love to support your candidacy for medical school, ask for the letter of recommendation right after the course ends. The pre-health office will hold the letter until you are ready to apply. If your school doesn't have a pre-health office, you can request an advisor from the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP). You can also use a letter service such as Interfolio or VirtualEvals. They can deliver your reference when it's time to submit. If your ideal recommender says, "I'll write it the year you apply," stay in touch and keep them updated on your accomplishments.

When to Get a Letter of Support:

You might know someone who has a connection to a particular school. Instead of a letter of recommendation to all your schools, they can send a "letter of support" to the school that especially values them. A letter of support is sent entirely separately from your application. They'll just pop it in the mail or send an email. The most influential writers will be tenured professors, someone on the board of trustees, or a significant donor. 

The 2023-2024 Allopathic Medical School Application: An Overview with Suggested Timing

If you’re looking to start medical school in the Fall of 2024, now is the time to get started with the application process! Applying to medical school is arduous, but with proper planning, you can reduce your stress and maintain a manageable task load.

The four components of the medical school application include:

  1. Standardized tests: MCAT and CASPer

  2. AMCAS application 

  3. Secondary Applications

  4. Interviews

Standardized Tests: 

MCAT: Your MCAT scores are typically valid for three years prior to matriculation, and you can take the exam up to three times.

  • Register: Select your preferred date, as well as a few alternative dates that would work. You can register for the test here. The ten day deadline prior to the test is your last opportunity to schedule, reschedule, or cancel. 

  • Prep: Start preparing for the MCAT at least six months prior to your planned test date.

  • Sit for the exam no later than May 26, 2023 (scores released June 27): This will avoid application delays. Keep in mind that we actually recommend that you take your final exam by mid-April so that you can re-direct your attention to preparing the AMCAS application. 

Review our blog post on Retaking the MCAT.

CASPer: This test gauges your ability to critically evaluate complex scenarios and employ sound judgment and communication skills. Not all medical schools require applicants to take the CASPer, however, a growing number of allopathic programs do, currently over 40. Your CASPer score is generally only valid for one application cycle. 

The CASPer score is often requested alongside your secondary application or prior to an invitation to interview. Opting to take the test earlier in the cycle, rather than later, will allow you to have your scores readily available when requested, meaning that you can dedicate that time to preparing your secondary application materials or for mock interviews. It will also ensure that your application is not delayed as you wait for your scores. 

Review our blog post on CASPer.

AMCAS Application: Submit no later than mid-June.

  • AMCAS application opens and will be available here on May 2, 2023.

  • First date to submit AMCAS application: May 30, 2023

  • First date that processed applications will be released to medical schools: June 30, 2023

We recommend that you submit your application in early to mid-June because your application will go through a verification process prior to the data being released to medical schools. This can take anywhere from a couple of weeks early in the process, to over a month during peak application submission periods. Note, in order to complete verification, your application must contain your official transcript, so request this document as well as your letters of recommendation a month or two before your planned submission date (by March 30, 2023). 

You also want to submit your AMCAS application early because this step triggers schools to send out secondary application materials, either automatically, or after a pre-screen of your application. 

Review our blog posts on the AMCAS application:

How to Get High-Quality Letters of Recommendation

Set Yourself Apart with a Compelling Medical School Personal Statement

The Medical School Application: Key Tips to Consider Before you Begin Drafting the Work and Activities Section

AMCAS Work & Activities Section: Hobbies

2024 AMCAS Work & Activities Section Will Include New Experience Category: Social Justice/Advocacy

AMCAS 2024: “Disadvantaged Applicant” Question Revised to Broader Adversity Question

Secondary Applications: Submit within two weeks of receipt.

Secondary applications are typically sent between June and August, although they can come later depending upon the timing of your AMCAS submission. Many schools will not review your application file until you have submitted your secondary application. And, because most schools review applications on a rolling basis, and invite applicants to interview accordingly, it is important to send in your secondary application materials promptly. 

Additionally, because many of the schools will use at least some of the same prompts, you can start preparing responses to the most commonly asked questions as soon as you’ve submitted your AMCAS application. 

Review our blog post on common secondary application questions. 

Medical School Interviews: Fall through Spring (invitation only)

Many applicants receive invitations to interview following their submission of secondary applications and/or CASPer test scores. Schedule yours as early as possible. And before solidifying your travel plans, you should contact nearby schools to which you’ve applied and let them know you have an interview in the area in case they have availability. This serves the dual purpose of letting the other school know that you are “in demand,” while also showcasing your strong interest in their program.

Review our blog posts on this topic:

The Medical School Interview

The Medical School Interview: Preparing for the Traditional One-on-One Interview

The Medical School Interview: Preparing for the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)

The Medical School Post-Interview Thank You Note

AMCAS Work & Activities Section: Hobbies

Hobbies. They are not a make or break component of the medical school (and later, residency) application, but they are an opportunity to provide the admissions committee with a view of the person beyond the test scores. Hobbies are also an effective way to demonstrate how you will add to the diversity of the incoming class, showcase qualities you will need as a medical student/physician, and/or provide insight into how you may relieve stress during medical school. 

Within the AMCAS application, hobbies belong in the Work & Activities section under the extracurriculars category. Applicants can provide up to four experiences under each category type, with a 700 character (with spaces) count, unless the experience is designated “most meaningful” (requires an additional 1,325 characters with spaces). 

Below are our guidelines for adding hobbies to your AMCAS application:

  • Be current. If you played the trumpet in the high school band, but haven’t picked it up since then, consider what hobbies are more relevant to your life now. What do you turn to for fun, and what do you see yourself doing for stress relief in medical school?

  • Be specific in your description. Provide a sense of how often, and how long you have been pursuing the hobby, as well as what the hobby entails. It’s great that you love to read, do yoga, and travel, but so do many others. In what unique ways have you engaged with your interests? Did you launch a monthly book club for discussing the NYT best sellers? Write book reviews for the school paper? Did you gain a yoga teaching certification or take part in a unique yoga retreat? Do you travel to particular destinations or participate in medical experiences abroad?

  • State how your hobby has impacted your personal growth. Did an experience within your hobby contribute to a change in your perspective or influence your decision to apply to medical school? What attributes have you developed through your hobby that will benefit you as a medical student and physician (resilience, effective communication and collaboration skills, empathy, the ability to thrive in a diverse environment, etc.)? 

  • When possible, provide an experience or milestone that differentiates your involvement in the hobby. Many people play an instrument, but fewer start a quartet or play in the university band. Many people enjoy running or fitness, fewer run the NY marathon to support a favorite cause/organization or start a running club. Providing the specific way(s) that you’ve engaged with your hobby will demonstrate to the admissions committee what you may offer to your incoming class.