NYC MBA Admissions Consulting

Thinking about an MBA Round Three Application? Consider Your Finances.

As a rule, we do not recommend applying for your MBA in Round Three, but there are a few circumstances when it can be a sound choice for an applicant. We’ll highlight these considerations throughout this week.

You don’t require merit-based support. If you don’t need financial support in the form of merit-based scholarships, Round Three is fine. Most programs won’t consider applicants for scholarships after the January deadlines.  

Thinking about an MBA Round Three Application? Consider Your Reasoning.

As a rule, we do not recommend applying for your MBA in Round Three, but there are a few circumstances when it can be a sound choice for an applicant. We’ll highlight these considerations throughout this week.

You face a professional transition. Were you recently laid off? Did you just return from a military deployment or other overseas work experience? Shutter your startup? If you have a personal or professional reason for submitting an application in Round Three, rather than earlier, we recommend that you include this information in the optional essay space. Providing the admissions committee with an understanding of your timing will help you to build a stronger case for admission. 

Thinking about an MBA Round Three Application? Consider Your Value Proposition.

As a rule, we do not recommend applying for your MBA in Round Three, but there are a few circumstances when it can be a sound choice for an applicant. We’ll highlight these considerations throughout this week.

You bring a unique value proposition. Admissions committees are looking for applicants who will bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the business school. Applicants who can showcase a unique point of view will stand out even in the competitive third round. Unsure? You might consider holding off on applying while you garner more professional and community experiences.

MBA Re-Applicants: Provide New Insights

So, the last application cycle did not work out in the way you’d hoped. Follow along on the blog this week, as we cover the steps you will want to take for a successful re-applicant journey. While the disappointment may sting, the good news is that business schools will highly value you, as a re-applicant, for your persistence and tenacity.

When you update your application materials, keep in mind that schools may review your updated submission alongside your initial application. You will want to ensure that your updated materials provide new insight to the Admissions Committee on who you are and how you will fit into their program. 

  • Check program policy regarding recommendation letters. Many programs request that you provide new reference letters, although you may opt to use the same recommenders. If possible, include at least one new reference who is in a current managerial role and can speak to your recent professional accomplishments. 

  • Update your resume to include results you’ve achieved and impacts you’ve had since your last application. Also, consider what activities may round out your resume. Look for professional or volunteer involvements that may set you apart from other applicants. 

  • Submit new essay responses. Show commitment and don’t be afraid to expose some vulnerability. Some MBA programs will provide a re-applicant question, while others (including Stanford and Harvard) do not. If the application does not provide you explicit space, use your personal statement to show the reader your leadership or innovation potential through a recent endeavor. You will also want to explain the reasons behind your re-application. Ensure that your writing is clear, cohesive, and polished. 

  • See below some sample re-applicant essay questions. (While some programs deem the question optional, we encourage you to take advantage of this additional space to demonstrate exactly why your candidacy is more compelling than in your previous application.)

Chicago Booth: Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words)

UPenn Wharton: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

Northwestern Kellogg: How have you grown or changed personally and professionally since you previously applied and what steps have you taken to become the strongest candidate you can be? (250 words)

MIT Sloan: (Optional) Tell us what has changed for you both personally and professionally since you last applied. (short answer) 

Columbia: How have you enhanced your candidacy since your previous application? Please detail your progress since you last applied and reiterate how you plan to achieve your immediate and long term post-MBA professional goals. (500 words)

NYU Stern: If you wish to highlight any changes from your last application, you may do so in the optional essay 3: Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. (250 words) 

MBA Re-Applicants: Update Your Strategy

So, the last application cycle did not work out in the way you’d hoped. Follow along on the blog this week, as we cover the steps you will want to take for a successful re-applicant journey. While the disappointment may sting, the good news is that business schools will highly value you, as a re-applicant, for your persistence and tenacity.

Once you identify your last submission’s weaknesses, consider some of these strategies to improve your likelihood of success as a re-applicant. 

  • Apply in Round 1 or Round 2 of the admissions cycle. 

  • Consider if there are other, more accessible, programs that could prepare you for your desired career. 

  • If you have a low/marginal undergraduate GPA, consider taking additional courses to bolster it. And be sure to address any red flags, such as a low GPA, in optional essays.  In doing so, you don’t want to make excuses for your low GPA.  Rather, you want to guide the reader to those areas of your life, such as professional projects or leadership roles, that you believe are more indicative of your ability to thrive in a rigorous environment.

  • Think about how your test scores compare to those of admitted students. Are you willing to get a tutor or take a course to improve your score? Remember MBA admissions committees will only ever consider your highest score, no matter how many times you’ve taken the exam.

  • Try to gain more professional and/ or volunteer experience(s) that will provide leadership and teamwork opportunities, as well as demonstrate your interest in and commitment to your future goals.  

MBA Re-Applicants are Highly Valued by Admissions Committees

So, the last application cycle did not work out in the way you’d hoped. Perhaps you didn’t receive a seat at your dream school or within your desired geographic area. Whatever your experience, you now find yourself thinking about re-applying to business school. Follow along on the blog this week, as we cover the steps you will want to take for a successful re-applicant journey. While the disappointment may sting, the good news is that business schools will highly value you, as a re-applicant, for your persistence and tenacity.

Before you begin the re-applicant process, assess your initial application effort. Did you receive any acceptances, or waitlist offers? What components of your application were weak?

  • Consider your school selection. Did you apply only to elite or reach programs? 

  • Did your GMAT/GRE score and undergraduate GPA fall within the average ranges for admitted applicants at your preferred schools?

  • Did your application materials present your strongest case? Were your written materials clear, grammatically correct, and polished? Did your resume accurately reflect your academic and professional qualifications? Did your essay responses adequately demonstrate your commitment to an MBA, as well as show the reader your abilities in innovation (critical/creative thinking and problem solving) and/or leadership and/or teamwork?

  • When in the cycle did you apply? Applying later (after the January deadlines) can negatively impact an otherwise qualified candidate. 

How to Use Community Service Experiences to Enhance Your MBA Application: Answering Your FAQs

Your MBA application should showcase the full range of your interests, abilities, and experiences. In addition to your academic and professional life, how you spend your free time can be telling. Today, we’re addressing our most frequently asked questions about how to incorporate community service into your MBA application.

I volunteered a lot in college, but I haven’t had much time to do so since I started working. Should I include those older experiences in my MBA application?

Your MBA application can include any experiences from the start of college onwards. Do keep in mind that the significance of your contribution matters. Participating in one “walk against hunger” your sophomore year will not carry the same weight as spearheading an initiative or raising a significant amount of money. Again, emphasize depth over breadth.

I am working constantly and don’t have time to volunteer right now. Should I try to fit something into my schedule?

Community service can enhance your application, but it is not a deal-breaker if you don’t have it. That being said, don’t forget to consider any volunteering you’ve done as a part of your company. Many firms include community service as a component of the performance framework. So, if you routinely help organize your company’s “dress for success” program, make note of that. 

I don’t volunteer for a nonprofit organization, but I do serve on committees at my workplace. Should I include this in my application?

Yes. Think about all that you do within your workplace that falls beyond the scope of your professional responsibilities. Are you a member of the holiday party steering committee? Or a participant on a DEI initiative? Those activities that go beyond your role are opportunities to demonstrate leadership, innovation, teamwork, and a commitment to giving back to and bettering your workplace.  

How to Use Community Service Experiences to Enhance Your MBA Application

Your MBA application should showcase the full range of your interests, abilities, and experiences. In addition to your academic and professional life, how you spend your free time can be telling. But before you run out and sign up for various volunteering gigs, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

  • Show commitment and continuity. If you had experiences in college with a particular organization, say supporting the environment or working with the homeless population, you may want to pick up a role with a similar organization locally. Spend time on a cause you really care about. 

  • Prioritize depth over breadth. A years-long involvement or considerable weekly time commitment with one organization is preferable to brief interactions working on a large number of causes. You will have more opportunity to make an impact.

  • Flex different skills. Volunteer organizations are an excellent place to apply skills you may not yet demonstrate professionally. If you think your resume (or current position) is lacking in experiences that demonstrate leadership, innovation and/or teamwork, see if you can gain that experience in a volunteer setting. Entry-level professional roles typically don’t involve much people management, however, leading a non-profit initiative or committee often does! 

Check back tomorrow as we address FAQs related to community service and the MBA application.

Writing your MIT Sloan Pre-Interview Essay Submission

Those invited to interview at MIT Sloan will be asked to answer the following questions and submit their responses 24 hours prior to the interview:

  • The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice. We believe that a commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and well-being is a key component of both principled leadership and sound management practice. In 250 words or less, please describe a time when you contributed toward making a work environment or organization more welcoming, inclusive, and diverse.

  • We are interested in learning more about how you use data to make decisions and analyze results. Please select one of the following prompts to respond to:

    • Please select an existing data visualization and in 250 words or less explain why it matters to you. The data visualization should be uploaded as a PDF. Examples may come from current events, a business analysis, or personal research.

    • In 250 words or less, please describe a recent data driven decision you had to make, and include one slide presenting your analysis. The slide may include a data visualization example and should present data used in a professional context. Your slide must be uploaded as a PDF.

The interview process is about getting to know applicants more thoroughly. The first question provides you with an opportunity to not only demonstrate that your values match those of MIT Sloan, but that you are willing to proactively work to put those values into action during your business school tenure. The second question allows you to submit proof of your analytical skills and showcase your comfort working with data and using it to drive decision-making.

Your Strategy: Your response to the first question should examine how you will demonstrate leadership in creating a diverse environment and promoting wellbeing among your peers. Focus on a specific example from your past professional experience to demonstrate your ability to cultivate a positive culture. Use the SAR (Situation, Action, Response) model. Spend about 20 percent of your response on the situation, and the remaining 80 percent on the actions you took and what resulted/what you learned. And be sure to clearly link the perspective you gained from this experience to what you hope to accomplish at Sloan.

In the second question, you will want to demonstrate your comfort with using data to tell a story, draw conclusions, and make decisions. If you opt to share a data visualization, clearly state the reasoning for the data visualization, the story or hypothesis you are looking to understand via the data, and why it is meaningful to you. You may want to visit the MIT Data Visualization project page to see current research projects, and gather inspiration. If you opt to submit a professional power point slide showing a data-based decision, ensure that your slide is simple, easy to read, and clearly describes your analysis, assumptions, and conclusions. Then, use your supplemental essay to expand upon each of these areas including the sources of the data, why you analyzed it in the way that you did (and, if applicable, why you did not use other analysis methods), the basis for your assumptions, and how you came to the conclusion that you did (including additional data that would help you to confirm your decision).

Writing Your HBS Post-Interview Reflection

If you have been invited to interview at Harvard Business School, you will want to start thinking about your post-interview reflection, which should be submitted within 24 hours of your interview. The submission is not a formal essay. Harvard’s Admissions Blog describes the exercise as a chance to both get students’ opinions regarding their interviews, as well as provide them with a real-world practicum. Professionals routinely need to send emails summarizing meetings and offering assessments, and their ability to do this well is critical for workplace success.

Here is our advice:

  • Immediately after your interview, take down some notes about the topics you covered, including some specific details and points of connection. You’ll want to ensure that your content reflects back details from the day.

  • Take time to reflect before you begin drafting. Think critically about the interview. This submission is an opportunity for you to demonstrate real-world strategic thinking and writing skills, as well as offer any information that you feel you did not adequately explain. Some points to consider:

    • What were the highlights?

    • What could have gone better?

    • Did anything about the interview, or your time on campus, surprise or excite you?

    • Were there any remaining “gaps” after your interview, and if so, how would you have addressed these?

    • Did you make it clear to your interviewer(s) what unique experiences, skills, or perspectives you would offer to your MBA class?

  • Strike a tone similar to that of a post-meeting summary you would write to a colleague or supervisor at work.

  • After you’ve drafted the piece, walk away. Come back later to review content, style, grammar, and flow with fresh eyes. Keep in mind that Harvard is looking for both a well-written and thoughtful assessment of your interview.

  • This piece should not be crafted prior to the interview, adapted from another essay, or used as additional resume space. You’ll want to make the most of this final opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are and how you think.

Your MBA Interview Prep: Make a Claim and Back it Up Responses

This blog series covers the types of questions you can expect to receive in your MBA interview.

“What is …[the most important leadership trait]?”

Claim questions are simple and direct—but your answer should be complex and direct. Just like with your SAR responses, you will want to use stories here, not just statements. They may ask about attributes or skills you have but they're not looking for a list, they're looking for examples of when you’ve exhibited those things. Go ahead and use multiple examples! They don't all have to be long, but they should be detailed. 

Some questions will be about your future goals. Think: "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" A question like this should still be backed up with experiences, if possible, or anecdotes that prove that you have the skills necessary to achieve this goal. You’ll also want to include what you hope to learn in business school that will position you for success.

Other claim questions will require you to showcase your critical thinking. “What advice would you give to your classmates who are interested in working in your current industry?” Don’t just provide advice, tell a story from your experience that inspired this wisdom. 

Questions could also seem to require opinion-only responses. Something like: "How do you feel about your company’s CEO?" But don't get it twisted. This is a "make a claim and back it up"-question. You believe the leader is succeeding (or not) “because…" 

Other “make a claim and back it up”-questions that you may be asked: 

  • How will you add to the diversity of our school? 

  • What is your greatest strength?

  • How do you deal with ambiguity? 

  • What traits are the most important for a leader to have?

  • What is your management style?

Your MBA Interview Prep: SAR Responses

This blog series covers the types of questions you can expect to receive in your MBA interview.

“Tell me about a time when…”

Throughout your MBA interview, we encourage you to share anecdotes whenever possible. But there are some questions that you MUST answer with a story. These are "SAR responses" because you'll describe the situation (20% of the response), the action you took, and the result (collectively 80% of the response). Some SAR prompts will be familiar because they are commonly used in interviews. You may have also used some of these anecdotes in your essay responses. Go right ahead and reuse any applicable application content. Those were your experiences and your takeaways, after all. There's no need to invent a whole new self. 

Consider how you would respond to prompts like these:

  • Describe a failure and what you learned from it.

  • Tell me about a time when you challenged the group consensus.

  • Tell me about a time when you took on a leadership role.

  • Tell me about an experience when you learned from people different from yourself.

  • Tell me about a time when you developed an imaginative solution to a problem. 

Your MBA Interview Prep: Articulate Why You Want This MBA (Not Just an MBA)

This blog series covers the types of questions you can expect to receive in your MBA interview.

“Why our MBA?”

“Why our MBA?” Or: “Tell me why you are interested in this program,” etc. This interview prompt will appear, in some form, early on in your interview.

Make it clear how this MBA will help you to achieve your goals. Your response should include school-specific details, like what classes or experiential learning opportunities you'll take advantage of, what unique resources you’ll utilize that maybe aren't available at other schools, which professors you're eager to learn from, the student clubs you'd like to join, the names of companies you’re interested in that recruit from the program, and maybe even what you like about the area. And don’t forget to bridge these details with your past experiences and future goals to reinforce your interest in these offerings. 

Whatever you do, don't say something ingratiating and general: "It's an esteemed program where I'll learn from esteemed professors who lead in their esteemed fields." We're teasing about this phrasing, but go deep rather than broad. Answer the question with a few salient details and you'll be golden.

Your MBA Interview Prep: Prepare a Three-Minute Elevator Pitch

This blog series covers the types of questions you can expect to receive in your MBA interview.

“Tell me about yourself.”

The first question your interviewer asks will likely be something general that invites the widest-ranging answer. This question comes in many forms. It could be as short and blunt as: Tell me about yourself. It could be: Walk me through your resume. It could be: Talk to be about anything you believe will enhance your candidacy for admission. 

These opening questions require a three-minute answer. Think of it as an elevator pitch response. Naturally, your response should reiterate your commitment to pursuing an MBA and make it clear why an MBA will benefit your career and help you to bridge your past experiences with your future goals. It is okay to stay in a linear timeline: I did X and transitioned to Y. What's important is explaining the motivation behind your decisions. You can also share who you are via your three most impactful experiences. 

Practice some possible responses to ensure you're not going wildly under or over the three-minute mark. Don't try to memorize anything word-for-word as this will lead to fumbling with your words or coming off as wooden. But have an outline in mind—some milestones you know you want to pass. 

Some sub-questions you might answer to build your "Tell me about yourself"-answer are:

  • What was your path to this point? Did you always know you would pursue a career in business?

  • How has your work experience prepared you for business school?

  • Do you want to expand on any meaningful professional experiences and how they reinforced your interest in graduate business education?

  • What are your post-MBA career goals? 

  • How will an MBA bridge your past with your future? 

  • What fun fact about you could you close on?

Admissions committees like it when applicants include personality in their answers, especially when answering this question. Revealing something fun about yourself encourages a connection between you and the interviewer.

Your MBA Interview: Practical Tips

Amidst your pre-interview preparation, don’t overlook day-of planning. Review our tips below to ensure that you feel your most confident when the day arrives.

What to bring:

Theoretically, you need to bring nothing. The interviewers have everything they need from you already. But there are a couple of things that we suggest you bring along to an in-person interview (which, if possible, we recommend you choose over the virtual interview).

  1. An extra copy of your resume. It never hurts to have an extra copy in the case your interviewer asks for one.  

  2. A copy of your application. This application isn't for you to hand over to your interviewer. This copy is for you. Review it while you're waiting so that you can refresh your nervous brain and stick to the same takeaways. You should feel prepared to talk about any experience included within the application and/or resume. If you feel you've reviewed this application all you can review it, take a break, and read the newspaper or a book while you wait. 

  3. A notebook. You can and should ask questions during your interview too. Feel free to bring yours prewritten and jot down shorthand versions of your interviewers' answers. Just be sure to look up and nod periodically as you write. 

  4. The right clothing and accessories. You already know to wear something professional, but this tip has less to do with being interview-appropriate than with being activity- and weather-appropriate. If you're touring the campus before or after your interview, wear or bring comfortable shoes. If it's going to rain, bring an umbrella. If you're from Florida and you don't have a warm coat, borrow or buy one before your interview in Boston. When you're engrossed in interview prep, these are the kinds of things you'll forget. 

  5. Water and a pain reliever. Being physically uncomfortable during your interview is a nightmare. Make sure to bring a bottle of water that you can sip prior to your interview, and if you're prone to stress headaches, have some pain medication on your person. 

  6. Fun plans. You might live in this city or town someday. If you have the time, explore it. This will give you something to look forward to after your interview, and it might come up in interview small talk. "Will you be doing anything while you're in town?” Yes! I'm checking out the botanical garden this afternoon. This simultaneously shows your interest in the area and makes you seem like you have a life and interests outside of studying.

Your MBA Interview: Practical Tips

You’ve been invited for an MBA interview. Congratulations! Amidst your pre-interview preparation, don’t overlook day-of planning. Review our tips below (and check back tomorrow) to ensure that you feel your most confident when the day arrives.

Morning of your interview:

  • Review your application. Don’t forget that anything included in your application could be grounds for discussion. If you have any red flags, be prepared to discuss them calmly.

  • Practice brief answers to common questions aloud. This might include your introductory elevator speech (“Tell me about yourself” or “Walk me through your resume”) and “Why this program?”.

  • Eat something light and plain and be sure to hydrate. 

Writing Tips to Ensure Your MBA Application Essays are Memorable

We’ve gathered up our top five writing tips and will share one each day this week to help you incorporate personality and bring your MBA application essays to life. 

Don’t forget the basics. One of our mottos is: "Clarity above all things." When you write an essay for your application, leave no room for misinterpretation. The reader needs to see the story how you do. Crisp and untangled writing is also best given character count limitations and how much you need to share.

Writing Tips to Ensure Your MBA Application Essays are Memorable

We’ve gathered up our top five writing tips and will share one each day this week to help you incorporate personality and bring your MBA application essays to life. 

Make it universal. Let the reader share in your learning by making it about more than yourself and your own experience. Look for the transcendence and let the admissions committee in on it. You didn’t just overcome a fear of public speaking, you learned to challenge yourself and break past self-constructed barriers. You didn’t just overcome cultural differences while working in a diverse group, you learned about seeking out commonalities with others. Whatever it is you learned, dig deep for that universal finding that will help to ensure your reader finishes your essay feeling they are better off for the experience. 

Writing Tips to Ensure Your MBA Application Essays are Memorable

We’ve gathered up our top five writing tips and will share one each day this week to help you incorporate personality and bring your MBA application essays to life. 

Embrace emotion. Take a lesson from advertising. What do the best commercials have in common? They make you feel something—humor, pride, sorrow. As you write your essay responses, ensure that you use emotion to connect with your reader. And, this doesn’t necessarily mean recounting only sad or difficult times. Rather, it means bringing your reader along on the full spectrum of your experience as you share a story from your life. We rarely feel just one emotion at a time, embrace the complexity.

Writing Tips to Ensure Your MBA Application Essays are Memorable

We’ve gathered up our top five writing tips and will share one each day this week to help you incorporate personality and bring your MBA application essays to life. 

Structure your writing to grab the reader’s attention. One of the goals of your writing is to inform, but it is equally important to engage your reader and get them personally invested in your journey. You might even take a cue from an action movie. When the lights go down and the curtain goes up, you see the star in a sports car going full throttle. What you don’t know, immediately, is who or where they are. Narrative writing does not have to be linear. After leading with an attention-grabbing scene, the writer can go back and provide additional context and information on what’s missing.