The Chairman and CEO of U.S. News & World Report Accuses Elite Law and Medical Schools of Evading Accountability

The U.S. News & World Report has publicly defended its rankings, hitting back at the elite law and medical schools that have staged public boycotts. Eric Gertler, Executive Chairman and CEO of U.S. News & World Report, penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed, which was ffollowed a day later by a full-page ad in the Boston Globe timed to coincide with a conference hosted by Harvard and Yale Law Schools on “best practices in data.” 

While US News & World Report’s previous response to the boycott focused on responding to criticisms of the methodology and seeking collaboration, more recently, they have taken a defensive stance. Gertler’s op-ed not only defended the rankings, but also leveled sharp accusations towards the withdrawing schools. He accused them of evading accountability and not wanting to rely on an independent third party that they cannot control. Gertler then went on to tie the schools’ decision to withdraw from the rankings to the Supreme Court’s current review of the use of affirmative action in school admissions decisions. He proposes that elite schools are currently de-emphasizing GPA and standardized test scores in admissions, in advance of the decision, to provide themselves more leeway in the future. 

“There is added urgency as the Supreme Court considers a pair of cases on affirmative action that could change admission norms. Some law deans are already exploring ways to sidestep any restrictive ruling by reducing their emphasis on test scores and grades—criteria used in our rankings,” Gertler wrote.

In defending the rankings, which Gertler admits cannot accommodate every nuance in educational excellence, he points to the ranking’s ability to provide “accurate, comprehensive information that empowers students to compare institutions and identify the factors that matter most to them.” And, he concludes, the elite schools that have withdrawn have ended their participation in a critical national discourse about what constitutes excellence in education. 

Salary Increases Outpace Inflation for Most MBAs

Are post-MBA salaries living up to the degree’s promise? In most cases, the answer is yes. 

Using their rankings data, Bloomberg Businessweek analyzed MBA starting salaries from 2018 to 2022 compared to the inflation rate during the same period (17.6 percent). And they found growth that outpaced inflation in seven industries, including two of the most prominent for newly minted MBAs. These include Consulting (salary increased by 19.5 percent between 2018 and 2022), Technology (+18.8 percent), Defense and Aerospace (+20.9 percent), Government/Politics/Lobbying (+19.4 percent), Telecommunications (+27.3 percent), Education (+43.8 percent) and Construction (+20.8 percent). 

The median salary growth for MBA alumni also outpaced inflation. The reported median earnings for MBAs six years post-graduation grew 28.1 percent between 2018 and 2022. The growth rate compares favorably to both the inflation rate (17.6 percent), and the national median earnings for all full-time workers (18.7 percent). 

Poets & Quants created a similar analysis using their data to determine how the growth in median earnings between 2018 and 2022 compared to the inflation rate amongst top-ranked MBA programs. They found that at the top 27-ranked schools, the growth in starting base salary between 2018 and 2022 averaged 24 percent, well above the inflation rate, and at the top seven schools it averaged 26.7 percent. NYU Stern garnered the highest growth rate (36 percent), followed by Columbia, Chicago Booth, and Dartmouth Tuck. In fact, just three of the top-ranked schools posted median starting salary growth rates below the inflation rate: UCLA Anderson (16.8 percent), UNC Kenan-Flagler (8.3 percent), and Washington University in St. Louis (9.1 percent). 

Amidst US News Rankings Boycott, Law School Representatives Work to Provide Data Transparency

Last week, Harvard Law School and Yale Law School co-hosted a conference to discuss “best practices for law school data.” This is in response to the current U.S. News rankings boycott, which has prompted law schools to consider alternative ways to provide data transparency to prospective students and the public. The event included representatives from more than 100 law schools, 30 graduate-level educational institutions, and the Department of Education. 

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, in a keynote address, expressed support for the boycott, noting that rankings systems can create perverse incentives for institutions. “Rankings discourage institutions with the largest endowments and greatest capacity to enroll and graduate more underserved students from doing so because it may hurt their selectivity,” he said. “Instead, the most life-changing higher education opportunities go to young people who already have every socioeconomic advantage.”

Secretary Cardona encouraged those in higher education to “set the agenda” rather than allowing U.S. News to do it for them. However, the intricacies of making data available to prospective students wishing to evaluate graduate options, proves complicated. Currently the ABA site does not allow for easy comparison between schools and other existing data sources, including Law School Transparency, XploreJD, and the Law School Admission Council, lack a desirable user experience for reviewing and comparing data. 

Christopher Avery, a Harvard Kennedy School Professor with experience studying college ranking systems, noted that while transparency is critical, it is important to give careful consideration to what will be used as a replacement for the U.S. News ranking. He recommended against jumping from “one bad system” to “another system that may be bad in a wide variety of other ways.” 

U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal also expressed a need to move with thoughtful consideration. He encouraged conference attendees to “not lose sight of why the rankings are important.” And, in an interview afterwards, Kvaal expressed an interest in working with the U.S. News to make the ratings more equitable. He noted that the Education Department has reached out to the organization with suggestions for improvement.

Make the Most of Your Relationship with Your Pre-Health Advisor

A pre-med/pre-health advisor can be an invaluable resource. In addition to providing academic support, they can tell you about the school’s internal processes (such as requesting letters of evaluation), as well as available shadowing, clinical, and/or research opportunities. But, to make the most of your advisor relationship—you must invest in it. Below, we’ve compiled our top tips for making the most of your relationship with your pre-health advisor. 

  1. Find a good fit. Meet with your assigned advisor early, and determine if you have a good rapport. Ensure they have extensive experience guiding students into medical school, and that they are accessible and responsive. You may have the option to find an alternative advisor if it isn’t a good fit, so that’s why starting early is key.  

  2. Early in your undergraduate career, you should plan to meet with your advisor at least one or two times per semester. In your junior and senior years, particularly before and during the time you are actively working on your application, you will want to meet more frequently. We recommend setting up time to meet at least once a month. Many advisors work with a large number of students so, instead of trying to squeeze into their calendars last minute, plan ahead. 

  3. Take advantage of other resources that your school provides to help you stay informed and up-to-date on the medical school application process. Sign up for pre-health newsletters, digital resources, and/or clubs. You can then use your meetings with your advisor for more personalized guidance.

  4. Make the most of your time together. Create an agenda for each meeting so that you can address all of your open items and use your time efficiently. In advance of the meeting, update your application timeline and resume, share any key goals or questions that you’d like to discuss during the meeting, and follow-up after meetings with any outstanding actions or questions. 

Bar Pass Rates Dip for First-time Takers in 2022

Over three-quarters, 78 percent, of law graduates who took the bar exam for the first time in 2022 received a passing score according to new data released by the American Bar Association. This is a slight decline in the first-time pass rate recorded in 2021 (80 percent) and 2020 (84 percent), although covid-necessitated modifications to the exam in those years make direct comparison difficult. 

The “ultimate bar pass rate,” or the percentage of law school graduates who pass the bar within two years, has increased this year. For the class of 2020, 91.9 percent passed the licensing exam within two years, up slightly from 91.3 percent in 2019 and 90.1 percent in 2018. 

While many of the most prestigious law programs boasted their highest pass rates, the percentage who passed did decrease for most schools when compared to 2021. 

NYU Professor Urges MBA Students to Think Beyond Consulting, Finance, and Tech

A recent WSJ op-ed by Suzy Welch, CNBC Contributor, Author, and Professor at NYU Stern provides career advice for MBAs: Although consulting, finance, and tech are the most commonly sought careers post-MBA, they are not the only routes to success. Welch advises MBAs to seek work, “at the intersection of their authentic values, their strongest skills and aptitudes, and the kind of work that interests and excites them intellectually and emotionally.” But, she points out, despite most students entering MBA programs feeling awash with career possibilities, most leave with jobs in just three industries. 

Finding purpose is an idea that she’s put a lot of thought into. After the loss of her husband, the legendary Jack Welch, she realized her need to find an “organizing principle” in her life. Welch then developed, pitched, and is now teaching a course at NYU Stern on the topic. Designed to guide MBAs on an introspective journey towards a fulfilling career path, the course is titled “Becoming You: Crafting the Authentic Career You Want and Need.” She describes it, according to Poets & Quants, as the class she wishes that she’d been able to take before graduating from Harvard Business School and entering into consulting. 

In her WSJ article, Welch identifies two key patterns emerging within MBA programs that are reducing opportunities for graduates. The first is internal: groupthink. She described this phenomenon In an interview with Poets & Quants. “You go to business school and you think about strategy and the digital economy, but what about thinking about what you want to do with your life? Most people go to business school to pivot into a new career... So you get there and you are looking around and the choices get narrower and narrower because of groupthink. You arrive big-eyed and you end up squinting. Investment banking and consulting are the two big funnels, or maybe tech,” she says. 

While she notes that some MBAs may also be seeking financial security and a way to repay loans, she purports that it runs deeper. That, for many, taking a job in one of the big three—consulting, finance, or tech—is fulfilling a “group instinct” and is good for “optics.” And as is so often the case with groupthink, MBA students who opt not to apply for these lucrative positions, or those who turn down such offers, can feel foolish or like risk-takers. But she warns that many who do follow that path as a means for safety and security often end up regretful. “A lot of very smart, very capable people, usually in their late 30s and early 40s, wake up miserable one day. Over my years as a journalist specializing in the workplace, I saw this phenomenon so often I came to dub it “The Velvet Coffin”—a state of cushy creature comfort encased in emotional or intellectual dissatisfaction” she writes.

Welch also observes a second pattern and it is external. Industry, she calls out, does a poor job showing up to recruit and sell itself among MBAs. Whereas, consulting, finance, and tech recruiters not only show up but have excelled in creating touchpoints and programming, and defining a consistent and compelling “narrative.” 

“I heard it repeatedly, because my students parroted it back to me: Even if you don’t stay long-term, with our credential on your résumé and professional development programs, we’ll set you up for your career! The big three are so persuasive and make it so convenient to get a job that it ends up feeling inevitable,” she writes. 

Welch concludes that MBA students, like never before, are seeking meaning and purpose from their careers and their lives. And she advises them to think carefully about their goals, listen, and dare to consider opportunities beyond the big three industries.

Five Qualities Medical School Admissions Committees are Looking for in Applicants

Throughout your medical school primary and secondary applications, you will want to highlight the following skills and qualities. 

Leadership. This is a key quality that separates physicians from other members of a healthcare provider team. Throughout your application, you will want to showcase your ability to lead a team in order to accomplish a common goal. Consider the role you play within a group and how you help bring out the best in other team members. You don’t need to be the captain of a sports team or a club president to be a highly-effective and persuasive leader. Rather, you need to be able to articulate how your influence and openness promote the best outcome(s) in a collaborative environment. 

In what meaningful experiences did you show your leadership abilities? Did leadership come naturally to you, or did you work to get to this place? (Both things are great!) How did you support your team? Did you encourage collaboration or independence? Did you feel supported by your team? Did you experience any pushback, and how did you handle that if you did? What did you think about these things at the time? How did you feel? What did you learn that you will incorporate into your leadership style in the future?

Teamwork:  Medical school and the practice of medicine are often team endeavors. While we’ve encouraged you to showcase your ability to lead a team, you will also want to show your ability to work collaboratively and productively with others. Highlight instances where you have shown humility and elevated the voices of others. Think about your most effective team experiences and what you learned about yourself from working with those teammates. 

During what meaningful experiences did you work with a team or collaborate with others successfully? Were you working with people unlike yourself? Was there a struggle for balance in the beginning? Any confusion? What did you appreciate about your team members? How did they influence and impact you and your actions? Did one or two team members step up in a way you admired? What did you think about these things at the time? How did you feel? Have you had experiences with teams that were unsuccessful? What did you learn (remember: failures can provide great insight too!)?

Critical and creative thinking. The practice of medicine requires constant engagement with problem solving, from interacting with patients to coming to a diagnosis and treatment plan to driving research and innovation agendas. You will need to ask good questions and consider the interplay of multiple variables. Showcase the critical thinking skills you’ve already developed, as well as your ability to stay calm when faced with complicated issues.

In what meaningful experiences did you utilize critical thinking and problem-solving skills? How did you determine the best course of action? Did you approach something one way at first and then correct yourself? What did you think about these things at the time? What did you learn? How did you feel?

Intellectual curiosity. Medical school is academically rigorous, and schools want students who can not only handle the workload, but will elevate the classroom discourse by engaging deeply with the material. And, beyond school, medicine is an ever-evolving field. Throughout your career, you will be asked to take on new challenges and employ innovative thinking. Just demonstrating a record of academic success is not enough. Rather, you will want to show the admissions committee examples of situations where you went beyond what was required to better comprehend a topic. Keep in mind that you can demonstrate intellectual curiosity in an academic environment but also beyond it—at work or in your participation with a charity or hobby. 

In what meaningful experiences did you demonstrate intellectual curiosity? How have you gone above and beyond the expected to better understand a topic? In what ways have you pursued additional knowledge or sought out learning opportunities? How have you taken your interest to the next level? How did it make you feel? 

Empathy and the ability to connect with others: Medical schools are highly-attuned to the interpersonal capabilities of applicants. Share experiences where you demonstrate empathy, listening skills, and the ability to form connections. Showcase situations in your life where you overcame obvious differences with others to form a respectful relationship. Make it clear that you always treat others with humility and respect and that you will see your patients as full people, rather than as a set of symptoms or a puzzle to be solved. 

In what meaningful experiences did you empathize and connect with others? What effect did you have on others? What effect did they have on you? What did you think about these things at the time? How did you feel? What have you learned about how to find common ground with those who are different from you? Do you have any examples of times that forming a good relationship with someone else led you both to a better outcome?

Opportunities Expand for Students Seeking In-House Roles Immediately Post-Graduation

In the not-so-distant past, advisors encouraged law students interested in pursuing a career in an in-house legal department to gain at least five years of law firm experience first. But, as of late, this trend has started to shift; law schools are now proactively preparing students for in-house roles directly out of school and companies are demonstrating a greater willingness to hire less experienced lawyers. While working at a firm is still the most typical leadoff to an in-house career path—a 2022 survey of in-house professionals found that just 17 percent of the 2,000 plus respondents went directly in-house, while 78 percent had outside firm experience —for students who know that they’re seeking an in-house role, the possibilities are expanding.

A recent LegalDive article highlighted a few of the experiential learning programs currently being facilitated at law schools. We’ve provided a brief summary below: 

Jack Terschluse, a 2019 law graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, quit his job at a law firm after just two years to work for Balto, a tech start-up. “I think in a startup, the opportunities for promotions and different leadership experiences are greater earlier on than they might be at a bigger company because there’s not this big bench of people who’ve been waiting their turn to ascend to that leadership position,” Terschluse said in an interview with LegalDive. Similarly, Phelan Simpkins, intellectual property counsel at State Farm, and 2021 law graduate of the University of Missouri, was able to achieve his goal of an in-house position directly out of law school. He pointed out, also to LegalDive, that recent law graduates shouldn’t underestimate their ability to have an immediate impact in an in-house role. “Having somebody who is coming out of law school who’s had the theoretical training, but not necessarily the practical aspect of it, you’re getting a fresh perspective on an issue of law or how the company manages certain issues, which can be refreshing,” he said.

Consultants with MBAs Report Higher Job Satisfaction

Considering a career in consulting? An MBA may do more than just improving your chances of landing a job. According to a recent Poets & Quants article, consultants who have MBAs report a better employee experience within consulting firms than those who have obtained an undergraduate degree alone. In fact, MBAs report higher satisfaction than their bachelor’s degree holding counterparts across all Quality of Work and Life dimensions that were measured in a consulting ranking by Vault and analyzed by Firsthand, an industry intelligence platform. 

MBAs noted significantly higher satisfaction with international opportunities, compensation, client interaction, level of challenge and benefits, while the two groups aligned more closely in satisfaction on “big picture items” such as business outlook, innovation in industry, firm leadership, and supervisor relationships. 

Below, we’ve included a chart showing the various Quality of Work and Life dimensions, along with the average satisfaction scores (with ten as the highest score) for MBAs and those with undergraduate degrees alone.

Source: Poets & Quants

Law Schools Incorporate Student Development Programs to Drive Student Wellbeing and Career Readiness

Earlier this month Bloomberg Law released the results from its second annual Law Student Preparedness Survey. And the results on student wellbeing were… not great. The survey, administered in December 2022, showed that over half of the 1,000 students reported that their wellbeing worsened slightly (32 percent) or significantly (26 percent) during the fall 2022 semester. Additionally, most of the law students, over three-quarters, reported experiencing mental or physical health problems due to law school related issues: 77 percent experienced anxiety, 71 percent experienced disrupted sleep, and 51 percent experienced depression. Just 11 percent said they did not experience a mental or physical health issue due to law school. 

Luckily, more law programs, recognized by Bloomberg Law’s Innovation Program, are creating programs to offer better support to students in terms of their law school experience and career readiness. Each of the schools named as a finalist also track the student outcomes related to their programs via qualitative and quantitative data, ensuring that the programs are actually bolstering student development and not just paying lip service to the idea. 

We’ve highlighted a few of the programs recognized for innovation in student development below, and the full list is available on Bloomberg Law. You can also find Bloomberg Law’s lists for law school innovation in other categories (technology, business, pedagogy, etc.). 

Elon University School of Law: Elon offers a redesigned curriculum with an emphasis on experiential learning, an academic period of seven (rather than eight) semesters, and lower tuition. The shortened law school year allows graduating students to take the bar in February and commence professional life earlier. Elon Law’s Interim Dean Alan Woodlief, in an interview with Bloomberg Law, described the school’s improved admissions, bar passage, and career placement rates since adopting the new curriculum. “These data points demonstrate a strong demand for law schools that place student needs and development at the center of their approach to educating future attorneys, and we’re proud of the strides we have made together as a community in our noble mission,” he said.

Fordham University School of Law: Fordham offers the Peer Mentoring and Leadership Program, which pairs third-year law students interested in being mentors with second-year students. The school identified the second-year period as a critical time for students, who are often under intense academic and career pressure. The benefits of the program include increased support of students in a high pressure period, cross-cultural understanding, growth in friendships and professional networks, and improved leadership skills for the mentors. The program’s founder, professor Linda Sugin, described the aims of the program to Bloomberg Law, “All the mentoring and leadership skills developed in the program are essential for lawyers—regardless of the type of work they do. All lawyers need to develop self-awareness, work cross-culturally, handle challenges and setbacks with resilience and equanimity, and care for their own well-being,” she said. 

The University of Tennessee College of Law: The University of Tennessee developed the Institute for Professional Leadership (IPL) to offer students a curriculum curated to develop legal and professional leaders. Specific leadership courses are combined with pro bono, public service, and career advancement opportunities, and events to develop students’ leadership skills and prepare them for careers in law, government, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations. The Interim Director for the IPL and law professor, Joan MacLeod Heminway described the reasoning behind the Institute’s creation to Bloomberg Law. "Leadership education in the law school setting fills a gap in the traditional program of legal education. Robust leadership education in law schools focuses students on intentional introspection and the identification and development of skills, values, professional identity, and career paths through interdisciplinary programming beyond a strictly legal context,” she said.

Amidst Tech Turmoil, Physicians and Medical Students Use Social Media as a Platform for Medical Education and Combating Misinformation

In the summer of 2021, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued a report calling the distribution of medical misinformation through social media an “urgent threat to public health.” And this week, amidst a turbulent period for tech companies marked by extensive layoffs, a New York Times article identified a trend of social media companies divesting in the fight against misinformation. The article said, “Last month, the company [YouTube], owned by Google, quietly reduced its small team of policy experts in charge of handling misinformation, according to three people with knowledge of the decision. The cuts, part of the reduction of 12,000 employees by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, left only one person in charge of misinformation policy worldwide, one of the people said. And YouTube is not alone. The cuts reflect a trend across the industry that threatens to undo many of the safeguards that social media platforms put in place in recent years to ban or tamp down on disinformation ….”

Despite declining resources at social media companies, the medical community appears willing to step up to address the gap. In the past we’ve highlighted the efforts of medical schools to prepare students to take on medical misinformation, which ranges from large investments in institutions for research and study, to incorporating communications and social media techniques into the medical school classroom. There are also a number of physicians and medical students who are building vibrant social media communities for the purpose of proactively circulating accurate and understandable medical information. Below, we profile just a few of the physicians who are engaging audiences via social media with reliable and focused medical information. 

  • Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick, founder of Grapevine Media, creates content specifically geared towards a population that the mainstream health system tends to ignore. Her company, which creates “Ask a Doctor” videos and posts them on social media, seeks to provide medical information for people of color and/or those of low socioeconomic status. The videos feature doctors of color who answer medical questions in clear terms and with actionable advice for this audience, keeping in mind the challenges borne by those with low incomes. In an interview with NPR, Dr. Fitzpatrick noted that educating people won’t resolve all their barriers to good health, but she reiterated her belief that information can improve wellbeing. "To me, it's so clear all roads lead to trusted health information and understanding health and health care," she said. "But the challenge is how to make it obvious to everybody else." Dr. Fitzpatrick is currently pitching the video content to insurance companies as a means to improve the health of these hard-to-reach populations, while also reducing insurers’ costs.

  • Joel Bervell, a 4th-year medical student at Washington State University School of Medicine, creates TikTok videos that highlight areas of racial bias in medicine. He told Medscape in an interview that he views himself as a “medical myth buster.” He educates his 600,000 plus followers on biases in medicine that can negatively impact care for people of color. Medscape provided an example of this goal by describing one of his TikTok videos, “... he explains that the equation used to measure kidney function (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) has a built-in "race adjustment" that increases the GFR for all Black patients. ‘That overestimation could mean that 3.3 million Black Americans would have had a higher stage of kidney disease and missed out on care and treatment,’ said Bervell.” 

  • StatNews described a joint effort by a group of physicians to support a twitter feed, “Health News Around the World,” with vetted, up-to-date health news and stories. 

  • Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, runs an Instagram account to provide his 462,000 followers with information on nutrition and promoting a healthy gut via his account “TheGutHealthMD”. His feed answers questions, reviews products, links to podcasts, corrects misinformation, and provides followers with indicators of healthy or unhealthy bodily functioning.

Related: Medical Schools Train Students to Combat Medical Misinformation

U.S. Schools Dominate the Financial Times’ 2023 Global MBA Rankings

The Financial Times just released its 2023 Global MBA rankings. Schools located in the U.S. performed well, making up three of the top five spots and twelve of the top fifteen. For the first time in the ranking’s history, Columbia University took the top rank. Notably, last year’s number one ranked program, University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School was not ranked at all due to not meeting the minimum response threshold on the alumni survey. Poets & Quants notes that while other schools have suffered the same fate in previous years, it has never occurred at such a prestigious program, likely causing embarrassment at both Wharton and the FT. In addition to last year, Wharton has garnered the top rank ten times since the ranking’s debut in 1999.

Also of note, amidst the controversy surrounding the U.S. News’ rankings for medical and law schools, the FT updated its methodology for this year’s ranking. While the ranking still maintains an emphasis on outcome measures, including employment three years past graduation, salary, and salary change from pre- to post-MBA, the FT has also increased the weight given to metrics related to societal goals. These include social mobility, which uses metrics such as financial aid, study costs, and post-MBA earnings, as well as gender parity and student diversity, and sustainability and the environment. 

Rank School Name

1 Columbia

2 Insead, France/Singapore

3 IESE, Spain

4 Harvard

4 Stanford

6 SDA (Bocconi), Italy

7 UC Berkeley (Haas)

8 Cornell (Johnson)

9 Northwestern (Kellogg)

10 Yale

11 Duke (Fuqua)

11 MIT (Sloan)

11 University of Chicago (Booth)

14 UCLA (Anderson)

15 Dartmouth (Tuck)

Crafting Your Personal Statement: Lessons from Memoir Writing

A memoir requires more than a recounting of events from your life. Rather, you must show the reader that you’ve experienced transcendence. Marion Roach Smith calls it the “golden rule” of memoir. She writes, Memoir is not about what you did. Memoir is about what you did with it.” The experience is not the focus or the reason for the writing, just the vessel for sharing a more universal learning with your audience. 

Smith expands this thought when she writes, “Specifically memoir is a promise from me that I experienced something, I’ve given some real thought to it and now know what it is, and now I am going to share what I now know with you. The promise is not that I am going to recreate the experience or make you relive it with me.” 

This approach also aligns with what admissions committees are seeking in your personal statement. From your past experiences, they want to learn more about your potential and character. Show them how a recent discovery helped you evolve, how you’ve refined your abilities in innovation and/or leadership, and/or teamwork. Prove to them that you are ready to pursue a graduate education and career path.

Below, we’ve compiled a few other takeaways from Marion Roach Smith’s approach to memoir that will help you craft a strong personal statement. Also, be sure to check out her memoir manifesto. 

  1. Structure. Memoir is created out of three components. Prior to writing, sit down and consider the building blocks of your piece. 1) What is this about (think: universal, e.g., connecting with and empowering your team, trying and trying again to find the right approach to solve a complex problem)? 2) What is your argument (something that you learned based on your experience)? 3) What experiences from your life will you deploy to prove your argument? 

  2. Think small. Memoir requires that you share your growth with the audience, which can be done effectively by incorporating small details. Smith notes the power of observation for showing the reader your journey to transcendence. She writes, “Never forget about the small stuff and how it reveals the big stuff of life.” Small details also create a relationship with your reader, drawing them into the experience. 

  3. Don’t forget your audience. Your memoir should hit on universal themes that are relatable to the reader. When you’re writing, and more importantly editing and rewriting, keep in mind how your audience will take in what you’re saying. Did you provide enough detail of the experiences to show growth and to make your argument? Did you provide too much or extraneous detail? Were you vulnerable and honest in your writing? 

  4. Keep it tight. Focus only on the experiences, sentences, and words that you absolutely need to support your argument and demonstrate your growth in the piece. You want to go deep, not broad. Adding in additional stories can distract the reader, and potentially lose them. Once you have demonstrated growth and made your argument, your personal statement is complete. Fight the urge to turn it into an autobiography or a resume.

American Bar Association Rejects Test Optional Admissions

Yesterday, the American Bar Association’s (ABA) policy making body rejected a bid to remove the law school admissions test requirement from the law school accreditation standards. The vote marks the second defeat of the proposal in six years. 

Potentially allowing law schools to go “test optional” for admissions starting in 2025 created a unique controversy, as both proponents and opponents of the policy argued that it would be harmful to law school diversity. 

“As the debate showed, we all care deeply about diversity, we just have different views on the best way to pursue it. The LSAT is an important tool for advancing diversity. The incoming class of 2022 is by far the most diverse class in history, and more than 98 percent of those students used the LSAT. And this year’s applicants are even more diverse than last year, which bodes well for continued progress. The House vote will ensure that we have additional time for research into the actual impact of test-optional policies on students and diversity, so that any policy changes are based on evidence and data,” said Kellye Testy, the President of LSAC, in a statement after the vote.

Testy’s statement echoed a sentiment shared previously in an open letter penned by 60 law school deans urging the ABA to reject the proposal. The letter called out the potential harm that removing the test could do for diversity in admissions, as it would require schools to depend more heavily on other, potentially more biased, metrics like GPA, recommendations, and the reputation of an applicant’s undergraduate institution.

How to Get High-Quality Letters of Recommendation

Good news! No one who hates you will agree to write you a Letter of Recommendation. It's too annoying of a task to bother with if you don't have nice things to say about someone. Still, some letters can be lackluster, especially if they're rushed. There are ways to make sure that recommenders are talking you up.

Depending on the school, you'll need four to 10 LORs. But if a school asks for a minimum of four, honestly, that is too few to submit. Eight is great. The more quality endorsements of your candidacy, the stronger your application. And having people from different arenas saying that you're someone they respect proves that you are just crushing it. 

When to Ask:

Decide who to ask for a recommendation letter six to eight months before your applications are due, so you're requesting them in January or February at the latest. If you're choosing the right people, they're successful and busy. Give them the maximum time to consider what they want to say about you. 

Who to Ask:

The schools will let you know who they want to hear from here, we share why they want those recommenders and why you should go a step beyond a school's expectations. Aim for:

At least two science professors. Medical schools want to know: Do you have a dedication to and talent for scientific study? A school might request one or two science professors as recommenders. You should use two as references even if the school doesn't require two. Have three? Even better. A science TA who knows you well can write one of these letters—if the professor cosigns it. 

At least one non-science professor. Having this in your packet shows you're well-rounded. Doing notably well in a literature, social science, or math course shows a school that broader learning is important to you. A reference from a liberal art or language professor can emphasize different strengths than those you've shown in your science courses or a consistent strength across subject matters. 

Medical professionals. If you have had a clinical, shadowing, or lab experience where you connected with a medical professional, they're a terrific option for a LOR. You don't have to stick to M.D.s; osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, EMTs, medical students—anyone who supervised you is gold. If you're applying to osteopathic medical school, you need an osteopathic physician as a reference. 

You want these letters to be personal, so it's better to choose someone who was a true mentor and/or saw you in action over a chief of surgery or research lead who barely knows you. Personal beats prestige here. 

Supervisors. Supervisors at your job, volunteer posts, and extracurricular activities are strong options. These people have seen you dedicate yourself to something. They've also likely seen you collaborate and work under pressure. Unlike your science professors and medical professionals, these individuals may have never written a recommendation letter for medical school before. In addition to refreshing their memory of your achievements, tell them what qualities medical schools are looking for so that they can highlight those. 

Attributes they might touch on: Leadership, compassion and sensitivity, strong communication skills, critical, creative thinking ability, work ethic, and professionalism. 

How to Ask:

Individualize your approach. What do you know about your potential recommender? Are they someone who will want a face-to-face conversation about this? Or are they someone who will be open to an email with an updated CV attached? 

Remind them of your accomplishments. You're not telling them what to write—and they may well choose to highlight some of your other victories or qualities—but offering them a refresher to reference will make your request less of a burden. Science professors know the drill of writing medical school references, but they have a lot of other students, so a reminder of what you've done is still appreciated. Ex. "It was a privilege to be in a graduate course as an undergraduate. Attending office hours deepened my understanding of the material. I'm proud to have earned an A on both the midterm and final exam. And leading my final group presentation improved my research skills and made me a better collaborator." 

You want to tell a superior at a clinical experience what it meant to you to be there and how you thrived in that job. Ex. "Your recommendation would mean so much to me because this job reinforced my goal to become a physician. Working on the COVID-19 clinical research study made me feel like a part of the hospital team and taught me how medicine approaches novel diseases. Interacting with dozens of patients improved my communication skills." OR "Working as a scribe in the ER enhanced my ability to focus in a hectic environment. Serving as senior medical scribe has meant serving as a mentor for the first time. Since my promotion in June, I have led weekly meetings and made myself available to newer staff over email and text."

And again, if you're asking for a recommendation from someone who has never written one, loop them in on the qualities that medical schools are looking for and how you've exemplified them. Ex. "The schools that I am applying to emphasize leadership and collaboration. I believe that my final group project on the early work of Chaucer showed my abilities in those areas."

Go beyond the ask. After someone agrees to be your recommender, you're going to send them a "game plan" that gets into the experiences you had and your accomplishments in greater depth than you did in your initial request. For example, the student who highlighted the Chaucer project can remind their professor what aspects of the presentation they worked on and reiterate that they organized the group's study sessions. The applicant who was a medical scribe should list their daily duties and talk about some of their most poignant or analytical learning experiences. You get the gist. If you're not sure what to include, an Apply Point advisor can help you pull specific details from your experiences.

Say thank you in a unique way. Once someone has agreed to write your recommendation, do something nice for them. Send a memorable note, maybe even a small gift (a bottle of wine or some candy is nice, if you know they partake) or offer to take them to lunch. This is common courtesy, but it's also going to remind them to submit their letter on time. 

A Note for Reapplicants:

If you're reapplying to medical school, you can use the same letters of recommendation, but you'll need to resubmit them. AMCAS does not keep old letters on file.  

A Tip for the Early Birds:

If you're a college sophomore and there's a current professor who you'd love to support your candidacy for medical school, ask for the letter of recommendation right after the course ends. The pre-health office will hold the letter until you are ready to apply. If your school doesn't have a pre-health office, you can request an advisor from the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP). You can also use a letter service such as Interfolio or VirtualEvals. They can deliver your reference when it's time to submit. If your ideal recommender says, "I'll write it the year you apply," stay in touch and keep them updated on your accomplishments.

When to Get a Letter of Support:

You might know someone who has a connection to a particular school. Instead of a letter of recommendation to all your schools, they can send a "letter of support" to the school that especially values them. A letter of support is sent entirely separately from your application. They'll just pop it in the mail or send an email. The most influential writers will be tenured professors, someone on the board of trustees, or a significant donor. 

Princeton Review Releases On-Campus MBA Rankings

The Princeton Review just released its rankings of top on-campus MBA programs. They do not show all schools for a “best of” view because the Princeton Review believes each of the 243 schools included provide an excellent academic experience. Rather, their rankings are organized by categories which are designed to provide prospective students with insights and data (gathered from 20,300 student experience surveys of on-campus enrollees of the MBA programs, as well as institutional data collected from an administrator survey) on various aspects of the program’s experience.  

You can access the top 10 lists for each of the 18 topic areas here. Below, we highlight three of the Princeton Review’s MBA rankings. 

Best Classroom Experience: (student response data only)

  1. Stanford Graduate School of Business

  2. UVA Darden 

  3. Georgia Tech Scheller 

  4. University of Michigan Ross 

  5. Duke Fuqua 

  6. UCLA Anderson 

  7. University of Florida Hough 

  8. UNC Kenan-Flagler 

  9. University of Washington Foster 

  10. Rice University Jones 

Best Campus Environment: (student response data only)

  1. Cornell University Johnson 

  2. UVA Darden 

  3. Dartmouth Tuck 

  4. Duke Fuqua 

  5. Southern Methodist University Cox 

  6. Vanderbilt Owen 

  7. Carnegie Mellon Tepper 

  8. UNC Kenan-Flagler 

  9. University of Washington Foster 

  10. Texas Tech Rawls 

Best Career Prospects: (combination of administrator surveys/school reported data and student response data)

  1. NYU Stern 

  2. UVA Darden 

  3. Cornell Johnson 

  4. Stanford Graduate School of Business

  5. University of Michigan Ross 

  6. Duke Fuqua 

  7. UCLA Anderson 

  8. Rice University Jones 

  9. Columbia Business School

  10. Harvard Business School

Princeton Review Releases Category-Based Law School Rankings

The Princeton Review just released its rankings of law schools. Amidst the broader discourse on law school rankings as a result of the U.S. News ranking boycott, The Princeton Review’s methodology offers something different. Their rankings do not show all schools for a “best of” view, as they believe each of the 168 schools included provide an excellent academic experience. Rather, the categories and lists are designed to provide prospective students with insights and data (gathered from 17,000 student experience surveys from the enrollees of the 168 law schools over the past three years, as well as a 2021-2022 law school administrator survey) on various aspects of the program’s experience.  

You can access the top 10 lists for each of the 14 topic areas here. Below, we highlight three of the Princeton Review’s law school rankings. 

Best Classroom Experience: (student response data only)

  1. Stanford University School of Law

  2. Duke University School of La

  3. University of Chicago Law School

  4. University of Virginia School of Law

  5. University of Michigan Law School

  6. Georgetown University Law Center

  7. UCLA School of Law

  8. Boston University School of Law

  9. Vanderbilt University Law School

  10. University of Notre Dame Law School

Best Quality of Life: (student response data only)

  1. University of Virginia School of Law

  2. Florida State University College of Law

  3. Vanderbilt University Law School

  4. UCLA School of Law

  5. University of Pennsylvania Law School

  6. Samford University, Cumberland School of Law

  7. Duke University School of Law

  8. Stanford University School of Law

  9. Boston College Law School

  10. UC Davis School of Law

Best Career Prospects: (combination of administrator surveys/school reported data and student response data)New York University School of Law

  1. University of Virginia School of Law

  2. University of Michigan Law School

  3. Stanford University School of Law

  4. Duke University School of Law

  5. University of Southern California Law School

  6. UC Berkeley, Berkeley Law

  7. Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law

  8. Harvard Law School

  9. Columbia University School of Law

The 2023-2024 Allopathic Medical School Application: An Overview with Suggested Timing

If you’re looking to start medical school in the Fall of 2024, now is the time to get started with the application process! Applying to medical school is arduous, but with proper planning, you can reduce your stress and maintain a manageable task load.

The four components of the medical school application include:

  1. Standardized tests: MCAT and CASPer

  2. AMCAS application 

  3. Secondary Applications

  4. Interviews

Standardized Tests: 

MCAT: Your MCAT scores are typically valid for three years prior to matriculation, and you can take the exam up to three times.

  • Register: Select your preferred date, as well as a few alternative dates that would work. You can register for the test here. The ten day deadline prior to the test is your last opportunity to schedule, reschedule, or cancel. 

  • Prep: Start preparing for the MCAT at least six months prior to your planned test date.

  • Sit for the exam no later than May 26, 2023 (scores released June 27): This will avoid application delays. Keep in mind that we actually recommend that you take your final exam by mid-April so that you can re-direct your attention to preparing the AMCAS application. 

Review our blog post on Retaking the MCAT.

CASPer: This test gauges your ability to critically evaluate complex scenarios and employ sound judgment and communication skills. Not all medical schools require applicants to take the CASPer, however, a growing number of allopathic programs do, currently over 40. Your CASPer score is generally only valid for one application cycle. 

The CASPer score is often requested alongside your secondary application or prior to an invitation to interview. Opting to take the test earlier in the cycle, rather than later, will allow you to have your scores readily available when requested, meaning that you can dedicate that time to preparing your secondary application materials or for mock interviews. It will also ensure that your application is not delayed as you wait for your scores. 

Review our blog post on CASPer.

AMCAS Application: Submit no later than mid-June.

  • AMCAS application opens and will be available here on May 2, 2023.

  • First date to submit AMCAS application: May 30, 2023

  • First date that processed applications will be released to medical schools: June 30, 2023

We recommend that you submit your application in early to mid-June because your application will go through a verification process prior to the data being released to medical schools. This can take anywhere from a couple of weeks early in the process, to over a month during peak application submission periods. Note, in order to complete verification, your application must contain your official transcript, so request this document as well as your letters of recommendation a month or two before your planned submission date (by March 30, 2023). 

You also want to submit your AMCAS application early because this step triggers schools to send out secondary application materials, either automatically, or after a pre-screen of your application. 

Review our blog posts on the AMCAS application:

How to Get High-Quality Letters of Recommendation

Set Yourself Apart with a Compelling Medical School Personal Statement

The Medical School Application: Key Tips to Consider Before you Begin Drafting the Work and Activities Section

AMCAS Work & Activities Section: Hobbies

2024 AMCAS Work & Activities Section Will Include New Experience Category: Social Justice/Advocacy

AMCAS 2024: “Disadvantaged Applicant” Question Revised to Broader Adversity Question

Secondary Applications: Submit within two weeks of receipt.

Secondary applications are typically sent between June and August, although they can come later depending upon the timing of your AMCAS submission. Many schools will not review your application file until you have submitted your secondary application. And, because most schools review applications on a rolling basis, and invite applicants to interview accordingly, it is important to send in your secondary application materials promptly. 

Additionally, because many of the schools will use at least some of the same prompts, you can start preparing responses to the most commonly asked questions as soon as you’ve submitted your AMCAS application. 

Review our blog post on common secondary application questions. 

Medical School Interviews: Fall through Spring (invitation only)

Many applicants receive invitations to interview following their submission of secondary applications and/or CASPer test scores. Schedule yours as early as possible. And before solidifying your travel plans, you should contact nearby schools to which you’ve applied and let them know you have an interview in the area in case they have availability. This serves the dual purpose of letting the other school know that you are “in demand,” while also showcasing your strong interest in their program.

Review our blog posts on this topic:

The Medical School Interview

The Medical School Interview: Preparing for the Traditional One-on-One Interview

The Medical School Interview: Preparing for the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)

The Medical School Post-Interview Thank You Note

A ChatGPT3 Passed a Wharton Operations Exam. A Professor Reviews the Implications on the MBA Degree.

ChatGPT3 has been all over the news recently. In the past few weeks, researchers have announced that it performed within passing range on the three components of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam, and a recently published paper claimed that it received a B/B- grade on a Wharton MBA-level operations exam. 

The fact that the bot passed the exam is not overly surprising, but some of the findings in Wharton Professor Christian Terwiesch’s paper titled, “Would Chat GPT Get a Wharton MBA? A Prediction Based on its Performance in the Operations Management Course,” are. While the bot handled basic operations management and process analysis questions extremely well, Terwiesch emphasized that the bot made some fairly simple calculation errors within the exam. 

“Chat GPT at times makes surprising mistakes in relatively simple calculations at the level of 6th grade Math,” he wrote. He continued on to note that these errors can become, “massive in magnitude.” Additionally, he noted that the current version of the ChatGPT3 could not handle more advanced process analysis questions, such as those that include multiple products or demand variability, and that having “a human in the loop” proved meaningful. When a human expert provided a hint, not only was the bot adept at correcting itself, but it was able to learn so that the hint was not necessary in later iterations. 

Professor Terwiesch also provided his view of the implications that the technology may have on the MBA degree itself. Rather than expressing concern, he thinks the bot could afford students and professors an additional learning resource, specifically in developing necessary leadership skills in critical evaluation and the assessment of alternatives. 

“MBA students are preparing for leadership positions, in which they will have to make managerial decisions based upon actions brought to them by ‘consultants, co-workers, and direct reports.’ Using the bot to generate plausible, well-presented (although possibly incorrect) alternatives in response to a scenario can provide students with meaningful experience in evaluating alternatives,” he said.  

Read the whole paper, including the additional implications, here.


More Medical Schools Announce Withdrawal from U.S. News Rankings

A week after Harvard Medical School announced its plan to withdraw from the U.S. News Best Medical Schools Ranking, other prestigious programs followed including Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, Stanford Medical School, Penn’s School of Medicine, and the Icahn School of Medicine

In announcing their decisions to withdraw from the rankings, the schools—in line with Harvard—all noted that the U.S. News’ ranking methodology is no longer in line with their values. The Deans at Columbia, Penn, and Icahn also specifically called out the methodology’s negative effect on building a diverse and inclusive medical class. Dr. Katrina Armstrong, MD and Dean of Columbia’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, wrote, “The USNWR medical school rankings perpetuate a narrow and elitist perspective on medical education. Their emphasis is on self-reinforcing criteria such as reputation and institutional wealth, rather than measuring a school’s success in educating a diverse and well-trained cohort of doctors able to change medicine for the better and meet society’s needs.”

Each of the schools noted the value that comes from data transparency and they committed to making data available for prospective applicants.